Search found 14 matches

by Pangea
Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:46 pm
Forum: Climbing Community
Topic: Dear Abby
Replies: 75
Views: 19633

Wow - this thread has totally veered from its original topic!
by Pangea
Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:45 pm
Forum: Climbing Community
Topic: Dear Abby
Replies: 75
Views: 19633

Re: vegan

Shamis wrote:That means we can pretty much eat what we want, so a lack of meat isn't really a big problem.
So what is it you are eating if you are not eating meat? Hang on. Sorry -- didn't mean to pry into your sex life. :lol:
by Pangea
Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:38 pm
Forum: Climbing Community
Topic: Dear Abby
Replies: 75
Views: 19633

Thanks, pigsteak. Do I sound like a guy when I write? :lol:
by Pangea
Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:52 am
Forum: Climbing Community
Topic: Dear Abby
Replies: 75
Views: 19633

So if I were to be wandering around in the wilderness, I hope I would have my poop shovel with me so I could dig up some roots. :-) Can't say I plan on making a habit of wandering in the wilderness anytime soon, but I suppose it might be good if I would also get to know my mushrooms before wandering...
by Pangea
Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:30 am
Forum: Climbing Community
Topic: Dear Abby
Replies: 75
Views: 19633


It'll be funny if there is ever some big natural disaster that makes food scarce and all the vegans have to start eating real food, or die. Shamis -- with all due respect (:-) you climb harder than me), what do you think the animals you eat are eating?! It takes less resources for vegans to eat tha...
by Pangea
Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:55 pm
Forum: Climbing Community
Topic: Dear Abby
Replies: 75
Views: 19633

Next time your climbing partner says he/she is going off to take a shit, you say ,' hey, here's the shovel' Might not have the opportunity to offer the shovel: 1) Partner may not announce that (s)he is going to take a shit; 2) The partner may not have known (s)he was going to shit -- the shit caugh...
by Pangea
Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:12 am
Forum: Climbing Community
Topic: Dear Abby
Replies: 75
Views: 19633

I wish all the little (and big) woodland animals would bury their shit too. It's that much less for my dog to roll in.
by Pangea
Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:43 pm
Forum: Sport
Topic: Sport route distribution in the Red.
Replies: 52
Views: 14322

caribe, go home and make love to your significant other. i seem to remember a blatant cry for that from her a few pages back on this post.
And I thought I was being subtle but ashtray is on it!. :lol:
by Pangea
Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:38 am
Forum: Sport
Topic: Sport route distribution in the Red.
Replies: 52
Views: 14322

I agree with 5120W - Caribe has too much free time - otherwise, why would he do this analysis when he could be participating in more fun and important things like 1) climbing 2) writing new chemistry exams 3) doing more constructive things like...say...constructing a door for his laundry room??? Guy...
by Pangea
Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:11 pm
Forum: Training/Nutrition/Injuries
Topic: Cold-weather flappers
Replies: 6
Views: 3302

What about urinating on it before packing dirt into it?