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Post by Yasmeen »

I finally got the chance to watch the video. He interviews a total of about 6 different people, out of the myriad who actually attended the protest, and attempts to make the claim that none of the protestors knew what they were talking about. Doesn't sound all that convincing to me, though he did raise some questions that people probably haven't considered.
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Post by Yasmeen »

CPower's got the right idea! Though I don't think Saddam has a sport climber's build... he'd probably pump out pretty quickly.
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Post by Legion »

Suprisingly, a number of Muslim battles were decided that way. (Kinda)

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Post by tomdarch »

I think Rummy has some of that 'core of evil' power thing going that could get him up some tough stuff. (Now, THAT is an ad hominem attack!) But when you factor in that Wolfowitz, Perle and Cheney would be channeling their even greater reserves of 'evil energy' to DR, he could onsight Realization. And anyway, if you said that he didn't send it, there'd be a Cruise Missle on it's way to your coordinates (they know where you are, of course). (Mostly kidding! :wink: )

But really, if you don't know who Wolfowitz and Perle are, then you don't know why the semi-elected administration are sending our kids to kill and die in Iraq. It would be nice if they were only doing this for oil and to assist Sharon. Because GWB isn't really able to understand the implications, they are moving US foreign policy in a radically different direction: anti-internationalist, radically nationalistic, imperialistic. Osama bin Laden gave them the greatest gift possible on September 11th - to take the reigns of foreign policy, override Gen. Powel and manipulate the American public. Wolfowitz and Perle couldn't care less that the people of most of the world fundamentally oppose their vision of an actively dominant US. They don't care because democracy is only useful to them if it gives them the results they want.
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Post by Horatio Felacio »

i don't think we should decide any kind of "important" issues with sport climbing comps. mainly because the french would be ruling the whole world right now. we would all be wearing weird clothes and crazy looking shoes, we would be snobs, and everyone would be made to go out clubbing.

but seriously, if there were a comp. between the u.s. and iraq, saddam might surprise people. he could be like the john dunne of the middle east.
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Post by ynot »

It's so good to know that young people can see through politicians and media propaganda.There may be hope for the future.
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Post by CPower »

Can you imagine Saddam cruxing? What about George? It would be hilarious.
Saddam would be totally Dunne like, all mustachio'd bravado at the base of the cliff
and then BAM! totally focused deadpoint maniac, his only sign of emotion an evil snicker at every clip. George would be even better. All Texan All The Way! Kinda
like Leo Houlding ( to keep the analogy British)but Texan. Huge dynos, wild swinging foot stabs... this is something FOX could make very watchable. Noam
Chomsky and Heather Locklear could host.

God bless our televisions,every one.
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Post by tomdarch »

CPower wrote:Noam Chomsky and Heather Locklear could host.

God bless our televisions,every one.
Damn! I'd watch feakin' Survivor if Noam and Heather were hosting! (assuming that Noam gets several hours on each show to make complete points, and that the cameras just slowly pan over Heather in progressively less and less clothing as the show goes on. Oh, and assuming that it didn't actually involve any Survivor-stuff) Now that would be television!

As for GWB being like Leo Houlding, I don't think Leo would be terribly keen on that comparison. I'm picturing GWB swaggering out and slipping off the starting holds - but it wouldn't matter because the judging would be done by Antonin "Opus Dei" Scalia and Clarence "What Scalia Said" Thomas. (As for the Thomas joke, it's because he basically never asks questions and always decides in accordance with Scalia - and why did people say that he wasn't qualified?)
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Post by kato »

In the final analysis, I'm with HF, the French ruling the world would be pretty scary (although, it looks like they think they already do). I still don't think whatsisname in the video was trying to make any point except that some people don't think much about what they protest. Humor for humor's sake is
OK, even in politics. Really! No, really! (did you notice the last little bit where he finishes off by poking fun at himself for misreading somebody's sign?)
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