You sissy, you should have heated up some angle iron and carterized the wound,
then you could spray great stories of heroism to the young ladies at Miguels this season!!!! glory is fleeting, pain is temporary and chicks dig scars! (not my quote, The Replacements)
flesh wounds
I cut my hand really bad a couple years ago. Still have the scar to prove it. I can save you the details on how it happen. It just started with "Thats a good idea lets do that" but anyway I waited too long for stitches, So the ER refered me to a hand Dr. He was strongly against the neosporines and other ointments. The jells attract debris. He recommended cleaning my hand as many times a day as I could with water as hot as I could take it and use simple antibacterial soap. Now that really hurts for the first couple of days, but it healed to where I could climb well sorta climb within 2 weeks.
I am an ER vertern and this advise is what I'll use on all my future wounds that go beyond a sponge bob bandaid.
I am an ER vertern and this advise is what I'll use on all my future wounds that go beyond a sponge bob bandaid.
I was using a rather large knife as a pry bar/screwdriver when it closed on the last 3/4 inch of my right baby finger. Needless to say, it removed most of it, to add to my stupidity, I just wrapped it up and no ER. it's ok today, fingerprint is intact.
Another time, I was showing someone how cheap the liner lock was on a knife, through a grievous error in judgement, it too closed on my rt index finger. It cut through to bone, no tendon though. I did go to ER, they gave me 10 stitches, that were in a pinch point,with no brace to keep my fingers from bending. All the stitches came out in 2 days, and the wound re-opened. They will not restitch wounds, so I super glued it shut and made a make shift splint. 3 weeks later it was healed, but my trigger finger will tighten up from time to time and I have lost a little feling in the knuckle.
Another time, I was showing someone how cheap the liner lock was on a knife, through a grievous error in judgement, it too closed on my rt index finger. It cut through to bone, no tendon though. I did go to ER, they gave me 10 stitches, that were in a pinch point,with no brace to keep my fingers from bending. All the stitches came out in 2 days, and the wound re-opened. They will not restitch wounds, so I super glued it shut and made a make shift splint. 3 weeks later it was healed, but my trigger finger will tighten up from time to time and I have lost a little feling in the knuckle.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.....