Land for sale

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Land for sale

Post by Jeff »

Theresa and I have been looking for some land at the Gorge for awhile and have finaly purchased 3 acres.
In the last few weeks the lots have really been selling fast.
We were hoping some climbers would be buying but so far that doesn't seem to be the case.
If anyone is seriously interested in purchasing a 3 acre (or slightly larger), wooded lot with water and electric run, send me a pm and I will tell you more.

And, no, Loyd Little is NOT involved.
Some really great local folks are the owner/sellers.
The Pirate
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Post by The Pirate »

Is this property located on Shoemaker ridge...Is there any crag there...And what do you have against the Little's...
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Post by Jeff »

Yeah, it's on Shoemaker, there are crags everywhere in the county (as I am sure you know), but not right on our lot.
I don't know the Littles personaly, but I have yet to hear one good thing about their business practices, and I have heard a lot over the years.

I believe you have bought land from them. Please don't take my comment as a personal attack on you.
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Post by rabbit »

I haven't heard anything bad about the Littles. Is there something we should know?
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Post by Jeff »

rabbit wrote:Is there something we should know?
Not quite sure who "we" are, but usually if you plan on doing business with someone, you would want to check them out first.
This forum is not a place I will discuss details. If you really have to know, look me up.
The Pirate
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Post by The Pirate »

No offence taken Jeff...Yes I did buy some land from the Little's, but have no regrets to this date...I looked at the Shoemaker ridge land,and thought it was great...good luck on your purchase. The Littles do have a bad reputation, but all of my dealings with them were handled a sweet deal on 4 acres with crag and a great view of the valley... :D
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Post by Yasmeen »

Congratulations, Jeff (and Theresa)! I'm really happy for ya both. =)
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Post by tomdarch »

I'm not talking about any particular property here, but for people who have purchased land in the area, what is a reasonable range in dollars per acre? Or, what would sound surprisingly low or surprisingly high?
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The Pirate
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Post by The Pirate »

After lot's of research, and takling to lot's of local land owners...the going rate is $2500-$3000 per acre...I think this is still a good deal...About 8 to 10 years ago land could be had for much less, but now there seems to be a land rush and the prices are creeping up...
If you're lucky enough to be in the mountains...You're lucky enough...
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