Everybody Poops

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Everybody Poops

Post by jhaight »

When my son was very little we enjoyed reading Everybody Poops by Taro Gomi. I was thinking of the book recently as it relates to the situation at Graining Fork Nature Preserve, aka Roadside. Even with the limits we are approaching 2000 registered visitors plus many non-registered users to Roadside in the last approx. 2.5 months. The rules of Graining Fork Nature Preserve state: Pack it in – Pack it out, including your poo, no catholes (based on Leave No Trace www.lnt.org). Of course, not everyone does. Some of the users of the preserve are defecating very near (occasionaly right under!?) the climbing areas and leaving their toilet paper etc. on top of the ground. Catholes are probably better than on top of the ground but with the small area and number of poopers etc., that also creates problems. That pretty much leaves it to two options. Pack it out, or walk back to your car and go to a facility somewhere. As recently as last week we talked to the county judge executive, mayor, and health department about us putting some infrastructure near the parking area (a problem area also). It will happen eventually but it is going to be an expensive and long term process. Porta potties are a possibility but because of the location it would be very difficult to limit the users, maintain them etc. We thought about requiring WAG bags if you enter the area similar to many other climbing areas out west and other places we have been. Any thoughts or ideas?

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Re: Everybody Poops

Post by dustonian »

Access Fund grant/crowdfunding for a self-composting pit toilet somewhere on Preserve property/along the trail?

Thanks for your efforts!!
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Re: Everybody Poops

Post by shadow.ayala »

I have been climbing for over 15 years and a some of that time has been full time. I NEVER shit @the crag and people who say that they can't help it are WRONG.
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Re: Everybody Poops

Post by krampus »

My theory is this, most people have never crapped in a wag bag because at first glance its grody and difficult. You only have to try it once to realize that its not bad and even logistically simpler than digging a cat hole and praying for good aim.
I wonder if one of you good smooth talking folks could potentially ask for a batch of donated wag bags with the intent of setting up a kiosk that would hand them out for free. Of course we would run out quickly but we would expose several new people to the joys of bagpooping. Inside the kiosk would be simplified information on how to order personal wag bags or a discounted rate if you intend to donate them to the kiosk.
The primary goal here would be to expose people to the idea and make it as simple as possible to continue using them. The goal is not to keep a steady supply of free shit.

Will this solve the problem? NO, but every pooper that gets converted is a small battle won
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Re: Everybody Poops

Post by krampus »

really shadow? Never? Just out of curiosity, are you the type who will constipate for days on end if your not near your comfort commode? I once new a guy in high school who tried to go on a month long phish tour, he only made it two weeks because he refused to sit on foreign porcelain.
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Re: Everybody Poops

Post by Josephine »

I will NEVER use "wagbag" brand. They are not good products as they emit a foul smell. ewww.

Restop, on the other hand, make a great product http://restop.com/productcart/pc/viewPr ... dproduct=4
I don't recommend going directly into the bag since that's a bit difficult (at least for girls). Much easier to go on the ground and use the edge of the bag to pick up after yourself the same way you pick up after your dog. :D You DO clean up after your dog, right?! :evil: Anyway, they come with plenty of toilet paper and a nice hand sanitizing wipe.

Perhaps you can convince Miguels Gear Shop to stock them and ask people to use them. I bought mine in bulk several years ago - but I had to contact the company directly to find out about bulk purchasing options. $3.40/bag seemed a bit much - but I suppose that's a small trade off to have a bag that doesn't sink when you have to pack it out.
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Re: Everybody Poops

Post by DrRockso »

Maybe some type of pit toilet could be installed at the parking area. Talk to Rick Weber as they just installed 3 in Muir Valley last year with the help of a grant.
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Re: Everybody Poops

Post by jhaight »

The pit or vault toilet is a good idea but the Wolfe Co. health department says no. We looked into this in the past. The USFS can use them as can the state but they are not allowed on private land according to them.
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Re: Everybody Poops

Post by caribe »

jhaight wrote:The Wolfe Co. health department says no pit or vault toilet.
Wagbag, Restop, or search this url: http://adirondacknomadcamp.com/pee-poop.html for "kitty litter" and deal with it at home, which is my solution.
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Re: Everybody Poops

Post by climb2core »

Steal one of MV's at night? They're loaded...the won't even notice it missing ;)
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