Porter hangers

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Porter hangers

Post by haas »

I have agreed to write some materials on how to sustainably rebolt routes as well as do some videos for the Access Fund. I have a variety of old hardware to show what's out there and how to remove it (rusting 5-piece, wedge, buttonhead, etc) but also want to show what to look for in hangers (Leeper, homemade, etc). Any chance someone still has a Porter Jarrard hanger or two they're willing to mail me for the video? I'm a little sentimental towards them anyway as I learned to climb in the Red and would like to memorialize it in the literature/video. Please email me at jason@fixedpin.com. Thank you so much!

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Re: Porter hangers

Post by Josephine »

Contact Wes or Rockman. I'm pretty sure they both have one or more from their rebolting.

I'm also fairly certain there's at least one porter route with original hangers in the Red (there's probably several on non-public areas). If there are any left, they would likely know.
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Re: Porter hangers

Post by dustonian »

You could try the Man himself too, he's been lurking these parts as late.
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Re: Porter hangers

Post by Cocoapuffs1000 »

One of the anchor bolts on Phantasia is still a Porter hanger
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