Great article in Sunday's Herald Leader
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 12:02 pm
I just now got a chance to read the article in yesterday's paper concerning the Murray purchase and I will have to say I think it was pretty good. It cast the RRGCC and climbers in general in a very good light as people who not only want to use the land for rec purposes, but also to take care of and preserve the ecology of it. There are some good quotes from Spragwa and even a nice picture of her on Whipstocking. The only thing I didn't like about the article was that it didn't mention this website! I mean...c'mon! This is the HUB of our local climbing commnuity.
Anyway, as I was reading this article I had a thought and I will throw it out and see what everyone thinks. I am sure this has been discussed beore, but why not put a donation box at the trailhead for each of the crags on the property we are trying to purchase and ask like $2? It would have to be anchored and bombproof and collected at the end of every day to keep the theives out, but I think that it would raise some cash. Just a thought.
Anyway, as I was reading this article I had a thought and I will throw it out and see what everyone thinks. I am sure this has been discussed beore, but why not put a donation box at the trailhead for each of the crags on the property we are trying to purchase and ask like $2? It would have to be anchored and bombproof and collected at the end of every day to keep the theives out, but I think that it would raise some cash. Just a thought.