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Post by Andrew »

Drove down 9b saturday morning and saw a fire truck, emergency vehicles, and about 10 park vehicles leaving 9b. As we drove down 9b we saw that indian creek was severly flooded and there was a lot of stuff in the creek. Tents, sleeping bags, lots of coolers, and alot of other stuff. As we drive down further we see people stranded in the middle of the creek with raging water on both sides, but they were luckily on land above water level, but unable to get across the creek. These people were lucky, it looked like other groups had their camp sites completely washed away. Just wondering if any one knew if any one got hurt or died in the high water. From what I saw I wouldn't be surprised if people died friday night.
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Post by Yasmeen »

Wow... I was there yesterday and it was dry, but the only places I went were Torrent and Miguel's. That's crazy, I really hope everything turns out okay...
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Post by Wicked Tribe »

Man, and I still don't have a ww boat! I've got some first descents to do round here.
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Post by SCIN »

Damn, it was wet today.
Funk Rock, wet.
Skybridge, wet.
Lady Slipper, wet.
Lexington Rocks, dry.
Yo Ray jack dynomite! Listen to my beat box! Bew ch ch pff BEW ch ch pfff! Sweet!

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Post by Andrew »

Everything was wet saturday. Did it rain hard in the red today, becuase it rained really hard in Cinci.
Living the dream
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Post by Steve »

Oil Crack/Arena, wet.
I guess I didn't realize how much it rained down there on Friday night. Even the Middle Fork looked like it was running high.

Yo Wicked we thought of you when we drove by Mill Creek, that picture JB has of your wife running the spillway still cracks me up. Not as much as the one from Lilly where your draining your tank by a tree while I'm cranking that problem in my Santa hat, but thats off the subject of rain....sorta.
I see they are still lopping off mountains in Eastern Kentucky. Electricity isn't cheap.
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Post by Gretchen »

Kinda glad we got stuck in Cincy this weekend! This has been one wet spring!
Just genuinely disengenuous.
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Post by SikMonkey »

Solar was dry yesterday despite the waterfalls caused by all the runoff, but the approach was a different story.

...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
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Post by chester »

Mariba Fork was dripping! We still climbed even though it was soaked...just a bit more challenging. 8)

As I was starting to clean anchors a storm came out of nowhere. Nothing like being a human lightening rod on the side of a cliff.
[size=84]Women are like tea bags. They don't know how strong they are until they get into hot water.[/size]
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Post by Jeff »

chester wrote:Nothing like being a human lightening rod on the side of a cliff.
I know that feeling :shock: .
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