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Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:13 pm
by KD
charlie wrote:Sunshine wrote:I really expect this thing to go totally positive with a post like that rhino!
Fuck all y'all chuffers and your bolting of cracks. Fuck Artsay for being so sweet and objective, fuck Gretchen for editing her post on the other site, fuck KD for derailing the thread. Fuck the RRGCC for preserving climbing in the DBNF and buying the biggest piece of land dedicated to climbing in the US. Fuck Rhino for his positivity and accountability.
mmmm more positive vibes are coming through - i can hear you smiling through your key board.
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:21 pm
by captain static
diggum wrote:When are the existing terms up?
Thank you for the information.
August 2005
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:30 pm
by charlie
Artsay wrote:I changed it...just for you.
And fuck you too, Charlie!
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck......
Sweet! Thanks.
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:32 pm
by Artsay
You betchya!
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:38 pm
by KD
lot of fuckin' goin' on around here today
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:42 pm
by charlie
KD wrote: mmmm more positive vibes are coming through - i can hear you smiling through your key board.
Yeah, fukit, that's the best I could do.
KD wrote:lot of fuckin' goin' on around here today icon_smile.gif
If only that were true...
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:48 pm
by maine
I am going to stay out of this because most of the feelings I have about the rrgcc are not exactly postive ones.
Yes they have done some good for the climbing community but it could have easily been accomplished by joining forces with the coalition that has existed for a lot longer ~the south east climbers coalition.
It was started in my opinion to make certain people feel important. It is an elistist club (that by the way has nothing to do with how well you climb)
I volunteered YEARS ago to do anything that needed done. At the time I had no children, no job and was climbing full time. It would have been my pleasure to help in anyway I could. Shannon NEVER called me; furthermore, she ignored from that day forward. Being obviously rude. She even hiked out of left flank one day because I was on her project.
Ok I said I was staying out of it, I lied. The fact is that almost every person I have ever talked to in the climbing community at best does not care for the RRGCC and at worst HATES it.
All of them to include Gretchen should do some serious consideration about their reputation in the climbing community as a whole. When you are in a postition of authority in any organization, you should represent it well.
The only thing I am in authority over is my children so I don't mind calling the whole lot of them snobby bitches
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:56 pm
by Artsay
There are some great people representing us on the RRGCC. Let's not lose sight of their efforts by making blanket statements like that. Read rhino's post...
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:40 pm
by J-Rock
I have tremendous respect for Bill, Tim, Dr. Bob, Wes, and Ryan. I'm sure that it must be quite frustrating for them to have "one bad apple spoil the whole bunch" on so many occassions...
All of them are great guys and I have complete confidence in their abilities as members of the Board of Directors. I have nothing but nice things to say about all of them. They have been very receptive to criticisms and are always willing to listen. I'm not trying to tell anyone how to run the Preserve, I am merely offering some suggestions on ways in which to avoid future problems. They have my complete support and I have full faith in them that they will do the right thing and make wise decisions.
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:29 am
by Alan Evil
Does anyone else think that a BOD that elects its own members is bound to be an incestuous fuck-fest? It also seems to me that with a bunch of people as flakey (and I mean that in the best way possible) as climbers the chairman position should rotate and at least some of the members should be appointed by an independent committee and lead limited terms. Perhaps the problem with the RRGCC is it's basic organization that allows control and memorship to remain in the hands of people that are reviled.
All I know about this is very second hand, but, believe it or not, I pay attention to what I hear and what I've heard about the RRGCC has ALWAYS been stated with some degree of negativity: "We did this great thing but THIS happened." or "What a great thing they've done, except for THIS." I have never heard anyone say "They did this really well" without adding on some major part that was done badly.
Some of the most conscientious people I know want nothing to do with the RRGCC because of the people that run it. What good is an organization that tries to do great things but manages to make all their strongest potential members hate them with smouldering anger that can be stirred up by merely mentioning a name?
I've seen it so many times: Someone says something: "blah blah blah Gretchen blah blah blah" or "blah blah blah something the RRGCC did blah blah" and someone at the table who is involved in everything under the sun EXCEPT the RRGCC spits a stream of oathes and then tells some mind boggling story of how Gretchen or Shannon or the whole RRGCC screwed their friend or insulted them beyond reason or were just generally shitty to their dog.
And the secrecy deal isn't good. If you've got an incomplete guide, put it up on the web. What quicker way to get the thing corrected and proofread? People are still going to buy a copy when it's printed. It bothers me that profit is the motive for a guide produced by a non-profit.
I'm just relating what I've heard about this and the impression it's left on me. And that impression is the RRGCC has managed to pull off some great things for climbing in the RRG while pissing off a majority of climbers. Would a fresh new board of directors fix this? If the obvious "bad apples" were gone and the organization opened up it's processes to the general public, how long before mention of the RRGCC didn't cause such anger?