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Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:43 pm
by the lurkist
So when does a behaviour become dysfucntional? When it interferes with interpersonal relationships. Have you ever lost a friendship or a job, chronically late or appointments/ work, can't say no to the behavior, always need another fix?
Then that behavior is dysfunctional.
Sound familiar?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:57 pm
by trog
all just justifying our hedonistic, egomaniacal choice of hobbies;
run while you still can.

you've been trolled - it's Lurk

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:25 pm
by pigsteak
trog wrote:all just justifying our hedonistic, egomaniacal choice of hobbies;
run while you still can.

you've been trolled - it's Lurk

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:46 pm
by Barnacle Ben
Again, hedonistic, egomanical compared to what other hobby?

You guys aren't defining 'climbing'; you're defining 'hobby.'

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:12 pm
by clif
Mack5-first off, i'd like to change my answer. Hell Yeah! Tear it up.

ok, now i'm going to continue on with this retarded hijacking.

can't somebody help out me and Barnacle Ben?
well, i don't think so. but while we wait, a few other punches-

i'm sure jim karn appreciates your idolatry, but for one instance of what must be thousands, bob dylan's Positively 4th Street predates this revolutionary concept of the power of 'negative' thinking by about 30 years. not to mention Oedipus. despite your insinuation that i'm 'now' getting it, i've never encouraged or discouraged thinking one way or another. i understand though that your bored and it's all about you and your ability to spray, so no argument on that.

but what's worth noting is that the post justifying the power of negative thinking, which i assume to be in reference to the post calling 'all lies' the flowing, which are actually substantiated by the post.

best thing ever/goodness-as you indicate, it was jim karn's ambition to climb that lead to his mental prectice of 'the power of negative thinking';
which you then took to, if i take you at your word (yes, i know you're enticed to say that you were just bored and kidding cause this website is gotten boring..whatever..) ..'trust me, i don't have that problem anymore..' the problem being seething or bottled up or frustrated or lost...

which, he now being an idol and through that powerful example, (which i appreciate you sharing), is a perfect example of climbing being more than the very reductionist description you somewhat ramblingly, with qualifications and amendments and options, offer of why people climb, if you wern't here to free them from the pretensions. bring free from mental confines may not be the greatest thing ever, but it sets a good starting point.

noble-well, though they don't haunt this website, some current and former menbers of the rrgcc bot come close. helping to bring economic vitality through one's passion and hobby while not seeking overt compensation...better than i can do.

pick of the chicks-god willing

addiction--ahh, now were back on track.

too long-

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:13 am
by pigsteak
hobbies that aren't selfish?..
how about volunteering at your favorite organization on the weekend? nope, too busy being self gratified at the Red.

how about serving at a soup kitchen? can't: got a proj to send

maybe plant flowers or trees for city beautification..are you kidding me: I'd rather sweat in August at the Red.

teach a kid to read, get involved in local gov't, humane shelter pet walking...geesh, are climbers really so blinded to think climbing is just like any other hobby? in fact, rumor has it that some ex climbers think climbing isn't even fun anymore....

I am not against climbing, but let's be real. it is 100% about you (or me)...just recognize it and don't try to be a martyr with something so vacous.

in fact, if a person would be 100% honest with themselves, the thought of helping at any trail day or fest usually is on hold to check the temps, and then if we help, it is out of communal guilt. rare exceptions to this I understand, but without a doubt I am covering 93% of climbers. pigsteak has spoken.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:00 pm
by krampus
pigsteak wrote:hobbies that aren't selfish?..
how about volunteering at your favorite organization on the weekend? nope, too busy being self gratified at the Red.

how about serving at a soup kitchen? can't: got a proj to send

maybe plant flowers or trees for city beautification..are you kidding me: I'd rather sweat in August at the Red.

teach a kid to read, get involved in local gov't, humane shelter pet walking...geesh, are climbers really so blinded to think climbing is just like any other hobby? in fact, rumor has it that some ex climbers think climbing isn't even fun anymore....

I am not against climbing, but let's be real. it is 100% about you (or me)...just recognize it and don't try to be a martyr with something so vacous.

in fact, if a person would be 100% honest with themselves, the thought of helping at any trail day or fest usually is on hold to check the temps, and then if we help, it is out of communal guilt. rare exceptions to this I understand, but without a doubt I am covering 93% of climbers. pigsteak has spoken.
Piggy, all that altruistic crap is for you republicans with guilt complexes to feel justified in your selfishness

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:10 pm
by pigsteak
lol kramp...I actually freely acknowledge that climbing is an escape that provides no benefit to society, and that I partake in this waste. just wanting to call it what it is, and move on. I am selfish, look out for old number one, and hope to not get in anyone elses's way in their selfish pursuits.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:24 pm
by Saxman
So you only leave the bolts for the glory?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:36 pm
by cliftongifford
Yeah, bolting a route is opposite of selfish... haha.