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Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 10:24 pm
by pigsteak
come on are so above the "wankers' on here that even you should know a chalk path destroys their weak attempts at self glorification.

allah did not sit by the fire this weekend and spray..we saved it for under the shelter....

allah, can I wear one of the "team wanker" pimp shirts in adoratrion?

sik, follow up on the elitist statement..not sure I am following you..I didn't tell you what routes or his name (as to not being seen as a spray lord, when that then makes me one I

he didn't ask me to spray for him....this bullshit about "climbing is for me brah" is so laughable. anyone who posts on here is seeking more than personal fulfillment,. I can't tell exactly what it is, but each one has a reason for being on here, and it sure as shit ain't about climbing for climbing's sake.

this is no different than a porn chat room, except that somehow this is seen as respectable...


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:31 pm
by Spoonman may be living your greatness, but unfortunately for us it happens to be an obnoxious asshole.

Like most polls (past, present, or future) the are overly simplistic and the generalizations are too limiting to be applied to the majorty of the climbing community.

Personally, I want to do all the routes I can. Slab, vertical, overhanging, cracks, aid, and boulder problems, chossy or not. Most people are not as one dimensional as you percieve. This appears to be related to Projecting (placing the limits of ones' pereption upon all of realty).


Ill give you a break, though. The chalk issue is a mute point. Valid, but impossible to modify. Terminolgy applies to consensus definition and all onsights will most likely have chalk on them, often on suckerholds, intermediates, alternative sequences, and etc.

Bottm line is no one really cares who flashes, onsights or red points anything relative to anyone else other than themselves. Nobody I know climbs (as the main purpose or motivation) for grades, or pecking order.....unless it is you or pigfuck.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 9:32 pm
by merrick
i seriously doubt that chalk helps anyone on the trade routes around here. I mean look at gung ho for instance. every thing concievable is chalked on that route. you could use only heavily chalked holds on that thing and make it a hard 5.13. on less travelled harder routes chalk marks may help and sure sometimes seeing the thumbprints lets you know which angle to grab a hold from but you still have to go for the correct hold.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 10:05 pm
by allah
I climb just for the grades and definatly for the pecking order!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats what climbing is all about.

Oh and Merrick your are retarded if you think Gung Ho could ever be hard 13. maybe more like hard 11 one of these days