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Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:21 am
by redpointron
DriskellHR wrote:HA you say that like we dont work around the house!! Who eats the food or plugs up the toilet? How about the pile of dirty cloths from last weekends climbing trip that were wet and now smells like ASS? you think its easy to create that much funk in such a little time?? It's an ART thank-you-very-much!

the nerve of some people :twisted:
i can assure you that i am NOT the one around this house that clogs the toilet... :P

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:35 am
by Crankmas
its not a question of who did it, the question is when is she gonna do something about it?

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:39 am
by dmw
why don't you volunteer? You could sign up to be a Big Brother or something. Think of all the open minds that you can fill with tainted propaganda!!! Or go for a run.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:21 pm
by pigsteak
thanks DMW.....but Big brothers takes committment, and I wasn't looking for that.

so none of you all are ever bored? I guess that is what happens when we don't have kids...I am not complaining, btw. I was just looking to see if anyone else had the obsession so bad that they had no idea how to handle themselves when not climbing.

tutu, ask my wife and you will find that she is "above average" satisfied with what I do around the house....that's good enough for me:)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:29 pm
by anticlmber
i used to get wayyyy to antsy and bored but i've gotten a little better. i think having a bike helps as does being too broke to get out as much as i'd like. i'd still rather be climbing and would but i have other stuff now to worry about. i still get bored but i'm able to refocus it, sometimes.

piggie i think you just need to put the gri-gri down, step back quietly, and find something else; IF YOU so desire. there is a lot of really cool stuff out there but until we take off the blinders and drop the "climbing is the ONLY thing" belief we are destined for boredom. being in lex doesn't help i'm sure.

i'd say fishing after careful thought. i love wading through a creek at early morning when it's just me and the racoons and random animals out there. peaceful, zen like, and rewarding in the challange. yes, fishing ain't easy.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:31 pm
by ahab
when i'm not climbing, i'm thinking about climbing or i'm browsing this website. getting involved in anything other than climbing always ends up costing lots of $$$ (assuming you already have all the gear needed). i have a nice drinking hobby that eats up some time, but costs $$$. i'd ignore the 'having kids' advice as this will only interfere w/ your climbing time and will cost you lots of $$$. then there's sleep. this is handy when you really can't climb and have nothing to do. yea, so what i'm trying to say is there is only sleep & climbing. everything in between is just fluff.
anti, put your blinders back on.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:36 pm
by kirker
pigsteak wrote:thanks DMW.....but Big brothers takes committment, and I wasn't looking for that.

so none of you all are ever bored? I guess that is what happens when we don't have kids...I am not complaining, btw. I was just looking to see if anyone else had the obsession so bad that they had no idea how to handle themselves when not climbing.

tutu, ask my wife and you will find that she is "above average" satisfied with what I do around the house....that's good enough for me:)
The bordom usually only happens when the weather is too bad to go outside. There's alway somthing to do when the weathers decent. Or some none climbing family of freind relationship that is usually way over due for some one on one time.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:43 pm
by krampus
tutugirl wrote:I can't believe you find nothing to do on days that you don't climb...let see what I do that you should be helping out your partners with...laundry, mowing the lawn, cleanning the bathrooms, cleanning the house, doing the windows, ironing, cooking, fixing stuff around the house, grocery shopping, etc. I don't think any of you is rich enough to have someone doing all that for you ... so it is time to help around the house.
Thats all great and all....but I am not a woman

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:55 pm
by Crankmas
this will pass when the 40,50,60 degree days return and sending is the only dragon on the horizon to slay

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:05 pm
by redpointron
Crankmas wrote:this will pass when the 40,50,60 degree days return and sending is the only dragon on the horizon to slay
that's why i climb in muir. no dragons after 1/1/08