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Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:38 pm
by Ascentionist
Cops are bunnies. I don't like pigs. Bunnies are cool though.

Geez this is a retarded thread...

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:19 pm
by Meadows
The one who patrols Mountain Pkwy isn't very kind no matter how short your skirt is. Watch your speed there.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:23 pm
by kneebar
Alan, sorry dude but generalizing a group is just messed up. Just like people that generalize all climbers into the few scumbags we have. You couldn't pay me enough to be a cop.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:25 pm
by TradMike
Cops have a very difficult job. It's like having a bad day everyday and getting shot at at the same time. It's easy to fly off the handle when you are stressed. Just be the bigger person and show utmost respect in any of your dealing with police officers even if it means you have to bite your tongue a few times. They will respect you back. You would be a little temperamental as well if you were trying to do something noble and being criticized at the same time. It's one of those ultimate insults. In reality you are on your own in life. Police just mop up the mess most of the time.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:50 pm
by M Hale
Gee, the highest heart attack, hypertension, and suicide rates of any profession in the world; dealing with little shits who are guilty as sin but will probably get off with a slap on the wrist; catching hell all day long from the innocent as well as the guilty, having amazingly large amounts of political, media, and public oversight; having every action scrutinized by people who do not have the entire story; being a target for every psycho and rebellious schmuck; having to call a known perp "sir" or "maam"; dealing with the lowest segments of society all day long until you almost can't tell the difference between the bad guys and the good guys; having every person you meet automatically get nervous and defensive if not downright abusive; and finally, the highest murder rate of any demographic in the country! Where do I sign up?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:00 pm
by littleboxes15
I've never had anything but positive expiriences with police officers as a child and as an adult.
When I got hit by a drunk driver a few weeks ago the men were really nice, even though the only damage was to my mirror and they probably had better things to be doing at 2am on a friday night. The guy even took the time to fill out a police report, which he didn't have to do, so I wouldn't have any trouble proving to the insurence company that I was really in a hit and run and didn't just take out my mirror on a post or something.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:06 pm
by KD
Gunslinga - i was just kiddin' trust me they dont get anything like that.

Seriously though, I have been on ride-alongs before and seen some pretty scary thing first hand. Was on one where an escapee was hiding in a closet and everybody in the house was lying to protect this person. it was a SCARY group of people hiding this person. I'd hate to deal eith that everyday.

If you really want a good look into that lifestyle departments will usually approve ride-alongs for the public provided you give them a good reason you want to go and sign a waiver.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:07 pm
by charlie
People suck, but saying cops are pigs is fucking ignorant. I've had as many bad episodes with cops as I have good but I do not blame them as a group. Working tech support for years I know what it's like to be verbally assraped by an ignorant son of a bitch blaming me for problems caused by marketing/legal/product engineering/sales force. They have to take shit on a daily basis for society's failures.

Cops aren't necessarily nobel prize caliber people as a rule, but they (like everyone else) should be judged by each experience. I have never met a state trooper that has treated me with anything but professional courtesy. Maybe it's the fact that I treat them with respect until they force me to do otherwise?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 10:34 pm
by Alan Evil
Horatio Felacio wrote:i think some people just have an unnatural tendency to get hassled by cops. alan is apparently one of those.

Actually in real life I'm the kind of person who can usually "yes sir, no sir" my way out of any cop confrontation. Also, in real life I've got a great deal of respect for good cops. However, my experience has taught me that most cops are like the fucker in the video that started this thread. On the other hand, I've lived in major metropolitan areas (as opposed to Lexington) for my entire adult life so I probably have met up with a disproportionate number of poorly endowed bullies.

I disagree with the "cops are cops 24 hours a day so they shouldn't have to follow the law" that slinga stated. Cops should be driving more safely than anyone else, they should be meticulous in obeying ALL laws, from not shooting their wife to not driving 50mph in a 25mph school zone. They should be setting an example for other motorists (and other people that want to shoot their wives) but in Kentucky, at least, they're showing other motorists that they piss on traffic laws. "I AM THE LAW!!!" is the attitude. Or maybe I missed out on some fundamental shift in the cop mentality.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:48 am
by pigsteak
"cop confrontation"??? just how many times have you been in such a situation. I can think of 2-3 times in my entire life where I even encountered a cop in a situation that involved me. your life is more glamorous than mine if you have these weekly encounters...