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Re: Spring projects

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:48 pm
by One-Fall
rjackson wrote: Oh! And then there's a line I bolted called Blue Angel that is along the lines of a Lee Smith sport project, at my limit, and with each go I get about a quarter of a move further. Gotta love the dance! And perseverance will pay dividends.

When you make a connection with a route like I did (and you obviously have) the joy surpasses any successful athletic endevor. It ends up feeling like a rite of passage.
Hope I get to be part of your's and kipp's sojourn again.

My goals:
1) No Redemption
2) Be there when Matt actually realizes his potential (and then shout "TOLD YOU SO" at him)
3) See Blake actually have to try on something.

Re: Spring projects

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:42 am
by Shamis
My spring goals:
- send all the 5 star v4-v7 problems at governer stable.
- send the streak at birdsboro pa.
- come to the red and poach all of kipp's projects.

Re: Spring projects

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:45 am
by dustonian
Brentucky wrote:
dustonian wrote:Get on Flesh Wound, Brenty..."suuuper bitchin"
I dunno, that thing looks like a sheath shredder.
Ha ha, good one Brenty... Yes it's true, I have changed my tune & now even seek out the sport routes with desperate slabaneering "topouts"!

Re: Spring projects

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:58 am
by SeanStone
I want to project something with a cool name, so I sound like a badass when I spray

Re: Spring projects

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:48 am
by Josephine
Crucify Me!

if I can do it AND hang draws on it (even if they're not at the same go) i'll be pretty excited. Who am I kidding, I'll be excited just to take the fall at the 5th. :grin:

Re: Spring projects

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:04 am
by Dmack
One-Fall wrote:[2) Be there when Matt actually realizes his potential (and then shout "TOLD YOU SO" at him)
3) See Blake actually have to try on something.

These are my Projects as well

Re: Spring projects

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:21 am
by clif
i wish i knew wtf you guys were talking about

Re: Spring projects

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:22 pm
by Brentucky
Josephine wrote:Crucify Me!

if I can do it AND hang draws on it (even if they're not at the same go) i'll be pretty excited. Who am I kidding, I'll be excited just to take the fall at the 5th. :grin:
I love that climb, and for me it was a damn hard 5.11c. Good luck tearing it a new one, Josie!

Re: Spring projects

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:04 am
by THB
Sure... I'll bite... this looks like fun. Ironic actually, I hadn't been reading lately, and then I get on here tonight and find this thread. Earlier today I put together my 2012 tick list. It's 46 routes large, so I'll just highlight a few that I'm stoked on:

Demon Seed, Heart Shaped Box, Blood Bath
8 Ball, Tapeworm, Tuskan Raider
Snooker, Skinboat
Flour Power (Hopefully I can wrap up this thing by the end of 2012, I put in a few hours through this past fall, it'd be nice to put it to rest...)

Spray on!!!

P.S. - I won't mention names... but I hope Andy and Aaron do Golden Touch soon... and I hope Brian does Thanatopsis soon... and I hope Sarah does Snooker and Prometheus soon (whenever the weather gets back into the 50's at least...), and I hope Darcy and Lindsey do their first 5.12's soon, and I hope Tory does Convicted soon, and.... I hope everyone else has a great 2012 as well that's full of stoke and spray! Cheers!

Re: Spring projects

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:35 pm
by toad857
nice list. between 8ball, tapeworm, and demon seed you have some stellar routes to climb. Nice to see some diversity, too!