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Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:13 pm
by rhunt
I use to say stuff all the time but now I rarely do.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:19 pm
by charlie
I am no longer accepting applications for Charlie's babysitting service.

A helpful hint here or there is one thing, but these days the sum total of stupid shit I see people do EVERY TIME I am out at the cliff is way too much opportunity for me to capitalize on. Who's gonna listen to people like me and Don anyways?

I will totally heckle them though, but we heckle everyone.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:08 pm
by Jeff
Ha ha.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:18 pm
by Myke Dronez
How long do you have to climb before you feel like you can say anything? I see stupid shit from time to time but odds are the morons have been climbing longer than I have. Does this make me exempt? I hope so. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:37 pm
by KD
DriskellHR wrote:
KD wrote:Okay - so what are they doing that's wrong?

I belive its ment in general my man.

besides you cant say you havent seen a accident waiting to happen by other climbers at the cliff?
hey - dont talk about saxman like that!

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:35 pm
by Lander
My rule, when I see that type of unsafe behavior, is move on to another spot asap. Like charlie said, I'm not there to babysit and I sure as hell don't want to have to help carry them out of there. Sorry to be unhelpful to the gumbies but they're usually ungrateful, unreceptive to friendly advice anyway. :roll: Back in the day, at Pocket Wall, it got so bad I had to stop going there.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:33 pm
by pigsteak
rhunt wrote:I use to say stuff all the time but now I rarely do.
that's cause you haven't climbed in 1.7 years...ya gotta get to the cliff to offer advice. gumby.

(now, this is where in your best old man voice, you start the conversation..."back when I used to climb....." gives it an air of authority.) :wink:

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:55 pm
by quickdraw
I would have to agree with Driskell and Wolfman here on this one. It is our responsibility as experienced climbers to help newbies or the inexperienced. If you standby and let somebody get hurt, that just means they are inexperienced and now you are the Gumby. You should always climb safe and try to help others do the same. That makes for a good day at the crag.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:18 pm
by jlutotherescue
your right quickdraw....its everyones responsibility to help each other learn. im not saying you need to go out of your way. all it takes is 2 seconds to tell a gumby to use locking biners instead of non-locking bines for certain situations.
wolfman wrote:Wes, who cares about the hardware? Are you serious? Everyone is inexperienced at one point or another.
i totally disagree with you on this.

we all use the same hardware which could result in problems for everyone

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:23 pm
by anticlmber
i'm on the fence with it. i'll say something, if that doesnt work or they wont listen, i move on if i can't shame them into leaving. i'm not there to babysit either (even though i have been known to climb with charlie AND don) but i don't want to be there to bandage.

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