Toad wrote:nobody is talking down to you. you may be simply taking a neutral question and adding your own twist.
that's probably pretty true, i won't deny that. but i don't think i'm far off at all when it comes to zspider.. oh well. there will always be people who feel superior, no matter what i would say or do.
i would say they're perceptions, creations of the mind and imposed on the idea of god. we can't know what perfect is, can we? i feel it's like trying to picture infinity. i guess where i'm going with that is that arguments that try to point out the imperfections in god and therefore the non-existence of god don't hold. same goes for the sayings of "god is good" and the like.. but that was talked about earlier.
and great loves will one day have to part -smashing pumpkins
Wasn't Jesus black as well? I heard some "scholars" traced him back to Ham who was black? And did he wear a towel on his head? I know he wore sandals but did he wear socks with them? Or is it only old Jews in Florida that do that? So many questions.
On a slightly more serious note, the gospel of Thomas has recently been translated. Talk about an "Eastern" philosophical bent, eh? We are all God. God is within everything. He quotes Jesus as saying he is the same as everyone. Interesting stuff.
I still say if you only read accounts of what Jesus said and did and leave out the other crap (like the Old Testament and Revelations) you come out with a vision far different from that offered by most organized "Christian" cults... I mean churches. It's a vision of universal love, hope, and sharing. The Christian right in this country believes in exclusion, fear, and hatred of the "other." Stupid Christian righties.
[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie
"Not all conservatives are stupid, but most stupid people are conservative." - John Stuart Mill[/size]
Christian cults are people who make mistakes. big ones. just like the rest of us. they have more in common with the pharisees of the bible than they do with the early church. the Christian church has become politics and hatemongering.
Alan, you are right, but as a person who considers himself a believer in Christ, I try to love them just as much as anyone else. so you are correct. Jesus did preach love and hope and sharing... too all, even his lame followers. how well do you do that? i suck at it.
[size=75]i may be weak, but i have bad technique[/size]
yo noob...just feeding you the same crap you were feeding me. once your site gets some traffic, and isn't held hostage by juveniles, it'll rock for sure.
What's funny is scientific people can accept that there are religious people living a delusional life but religious people can never accept that there are people who don't believe. You need a god. great, whatever makes one happy is a good thing. The whole go forth and convert the masses crap is getting old. SouthPark has it right anyways, only the Mormons are in heaven.
The theory of evolution is just as stupid as the theories of gravity and electromagnetism.