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Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 9:12 pm
by overhung
Bring the boom-box and I'll break out the 'ol, "Who Let the Dogs Out" by the Baha Men. :)

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 9:13 pm
by overhung
That was a little obvious wasn't it? :oops:

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 9:17 pm
by TradWanker
Hey Jeff, you gave me a great idea! :idea: I'm going to open up a gym/kennel! I'll make a fortune! Now, if I can only figure out how to make gasoline out of dog doo......... :wink:


Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 11:16 pm
by Jeff
I like you don't get all wanked out of shape!
Plus you always put my name at the end of your posts'.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 12:17 am
by jeffers_mz
I generally don't like dogs. They roll in smelly stuff and do disgusting fact, they seem to wallow in disgusting stuff. I try to avoid any dog I don't know, even if it belongs to a friend. The reason is that strange dogs are strange, and therefore mathematically unpredictable. If you know that a strange dog has to have a question mark attached to it, then why would you ever approach one?

Perhaps because you feel you have the right to go your way without having to deal with the reality of the dog in between you and where you want to go? Tough shit. The dog's there, and if you ignore that reality and get bit, you have no one to blame but yourself. True, the dog might not have been supposed to be there ein the first place, but it was (more on that in a bit), you ignored reality, and you lost skin because of it. The dog will do whatever it's instincts tell it to, above and beyond training by it's owner. Use some common sense and avoid the situation. Don't blame the dog for being a dog.

If anything you have reason to quarrel with it's owner. Staking a dog on a trail is just about as ignorant as approaching a strange dog is. Unless you know for an absolute fact your dog will never react in an upredictable manner in a strange setting, then put it where it won't matter. If you are absolutely sure that your dog won't do something uncharacteristic, then you don't really have to woory about what anyone else will do if that does happen, do you?

No, this is about pride.

JH, you have no more right to kill a dog in self defense than you do pulling a gun when some girl slaps you. Regardless of the situation, the right to self defense never has and never will justify unwarranted escalation. Belt it in the jaw to get it off you? You have every right. Kill it if it keeps coming? Yes, if that's the way it has to be. But unwarranted escalation will land you in jail, and deservedly so. People have to live together, and that includes dogs. The government has decided to allow dogs under certain circumstances, and if you choose to ignore that reality, you're immature reaction will be judged in a much harsher light than a dog owner who started it by being dumb, but not near as dumb as making a point by chasing down a now vanquished animal and kiling it in cold blood. Make that mistake one time too many and you're going to be shot, plain and simple, unless you're in jail first. The reality of this world is that there are always going to be dumb people, and you can either take the responsibility to avoid them and their actions, or else let their least common denominator significantly affect your life. Seriously, who is more likely to haul out a gun and empty it into you...a dog owner who follows the rules and takes proper care of their pet or one who stakes a dog in the middle of a trail, effectively putting their enjoyment above the consideration of others. I don't care how much of a badass you are, the gun's going to win everytime, and if you don't think the Red's full of guns you need to have your ears cleaned out.

I have the right to enjoy the trails without having to go around strange dogs, and I intend to enjoy that right, but only in an intelligent manner. If I see a strange dog on the trail I will stop and ask the owner to rein it in so I can pass. I may very well have more to say to the owner, but only after I take the time to avoid the reality that is likely to get me bitten through any other course of action. Even then I can't simply kick their ass for being stupid. Same reason I can't kick their ass for cutting me off on the freeway. You derive the benefits from living with other people, and you pay the price that goes with it. That's what laws are all about, dealing with situations where conflicts arise in such a way as to resolve them without anyone getting killed. Don't like it? You have two choices. Build a rocket ship and leave, or else be ready when someone takes YOUR law of the jungle to a place where you are on the short end of the stick. In the long run your best bet is simply to grow up and realize that this old world isn't a perfect place.

All that said......has someone checked the dog?

It may need antibiotics.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 12:50 am
by Guest
jeffers_mz, First off, just so there is no confusion as to where we stand. Fuck You.

That having been said. You obviously haven't read my post. In the second incident of me being bitten/snapped at by a dog. The dog in question was under a table with no one else around. I walked by not knowing the dog was there. It came out and bit my ankle, no bark, no growl, nothing. I turned and it came at me barking and snapping. I backed up, fast! It didn't maul me to death. It didn't break the skin. It was stupid of the owner to post the dog up, unsupervised under a table in the path where people walk. It was a fucking ambush!!! What did I do wrong. Nothing.

The latest incident; I was walking along the trail toward Persian Gulf. As I was passing by Blue Plate special. There were three people there with two dogs. One was on a leash being held in a womans hands. As I walked past the dog who was on a leash, that was in the womans hands came out and bit me on the ankle. I stepped it up a step or two and said back to the woman," Lady! I'll kill your fucking dog!" I didn't stop, I kept moving. Went to my climb. Climbed. Then went home. In the 4 hours that I was there, there no apology was offered. On this board when I stated what my intended course of action will be in the future. It's all my fault. I provoked the dog...... What did I do wrong. Nothing.

Now, this is where we are at.

The state of Ky consider's it possible to assault a person with a dog.As do most states. It's called physical deadly force if the dog is of a notorious breed. Pit bull, Mastifs, Rohdesian Ridgebacks, ect. Dogs that were bred to fight/kill/hunt in some way. This includes the large crossbreeds. If your dog has a little of one of these bloodlines in it then it aplies. It can also go off of weight.
It is considered physical force(non lethal) when a non fight/kill/hunt breed is used to perform the assault.

In both cases the dogs life is forfeit

In summary: When a dog bites, its life is over. If you want your dog to live then maintain the proper restraint and control over your animal. If it bites me I will either kill it then and there or I will have it put down by the authorities.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 12:52 am
by Guest
Oh yeah, if you are threatening me with some sort of gun play. You pull it you'd better use it. If you don't use it you'd better hope its made of chocolate because you're gonna eat it.

If you think you can whip my ass, then bring it. pack a lunch.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 1:00 am
by kentuckysarah
Nice job doing your research J.H.

I don't have a dog, therefore I don't take one with me. If I did have one I still would only take it with me if I knew I would not be around alot of other people or other dogs.

I think that if you choose to take your dog climbing with you or to Miguel's or whatever, you need to responsible for it and be with it at all times and make sure it does not bother other people.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 1:22 am
by Guest
Sarah, the issue is not that people need to be responsible. They ARE responsible for their dogs.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 2:04 am
by jeffers_mz
J.H. wrote:jeffers_mz, First off, just so there is no confusion as to where we stand. Fuck You.
Yer breakin' my heart, kid.
J.H. wrote: That having been said. You obviously haven't read my post...blah blah blah...

If you'll read my post, you'll see that I believe you should have popped said dog in the snout and made it sting, and upped the ante if it came back for more.
J.H. wrote:......One was on a leash being held in a womans hands. As I walked past the dog who was on a leash, that was in the womans hands came out and bit me on the ankle.
News flash, dogs have teeth. Get in range on a frequent basis and you're going to get bit. Rip it to pieces along with its owner after the fact or not, you'll still have been bit. Treat dogs like you would strangers in an alley. Keep enough room between you and them that if they go for you you have time to move or counter. Save the lawyering and threats until after the threat has been negated.
J.H. wrote:Lady! I'll kill your fucking dog!" In the 4 hours that I was there, there no apology was offered.

Smoooove....I though you was a player? You could have said an awful lot of things at that point, and you managed to pick the one thing guaranteed to make her defend the dog and its actions. Are you surprised she didn't apologize? Ah well, yes, you already said you are, didn't you?

J.H. wrote: In both cases the dogs life is forfeit

In summary: When a dog bites, its life is over.

Thing is, unless your life is clearly and obviously at risk, when you kill it, you pay the price afterwards. Pick your battles, there's more than enough to go around. Let the law do what it is hired to do, and allow due process to take it's course. Unless you are at risk, in which case, I'll help you dispatch the animal.
J.H. wrote:You pull it you'd better use it.
Now there's a reasonable assumption. The ones I'm trying to save your dumb ass from are the ones who will do exactly that. Been there one or two times more than I wish I was and learned the hard way but lucky. How 'bout you? Do you classify yourself as a lucky guy? Rate your going, you better be.
J.H. wrote:If you think you can whip my ass, then bring it. pack a lunch.
No need. I've spent a great deal of effort putting myself well out of reach of those who's muscle outweighs their discretion. In the highly unlikely circumstance where somehow you ever managed to negate my arrangements, and gave me the reason, you'd never even see me coming. It'd be over before you even knew it started. There's a huge difference between violence and talk and one of the first seperators is recon beforehand...see an earlier post. The circumstances necessary to move in this direction are such that I'd receive a commendation after the fact. You are 100% safe.

From me.