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Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 10:00 pm
by Gretchen
Sandy I have no beef with you either but you did an apparent back pedal to placate your friend. His statement is quite obvious.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 10:03 pm
by pigsteak
why is this so difficult?..leave the dogs at home.
I have a dog, and he never goes to the crag, because that is not fair to the others trying to play and climb there. Although I personally think he is mellow, you just never know what might happen at the crag.
It is like a smoker at the crag. Be courteous, and don't light up around others.
We dog owners live vicariously thru our pets, but we need to remember that others may not share that love. If you want to have your dog outside, then take him to a park, and supervise him. Crags are for climbing..not dogs.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 10:08 pm
by littlefeller
I'm with wes,there is no place for aggressive dogs at the crag.I wouldnt kill a dog for biteing me,but it sure would get a good kick in the ribs.My dog is as sweet as could be but i leave her at home.To much trouble.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:21 pm
by Meadows
It's amazing and sad how dogs are dividing people.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:28 pm
by ynot
It is. I love dogs but have had numerous problems with dogs at the crag. Every one of the owners was in denial that their dog was out of line.wake up poeple,your dog has no territory to protect at the crag or at Miguels, it isn't at home.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:38 pm
by funny monkey
Some people make horses feel threaten. These people can cause accidents and injuries to both horse and rider. Perhaps a sign that they should stay away from horses, no???

On a similar note, if you are an asshole and give off shittty vibes, then inform the owner that you are an asshole & give off shitttty vibes. Here’s a sample announcement:
“Excuse me Miss, I am an asshole, and I give off shittty vibes. Could you restrain your dog until I take my shitttty self past him?”.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:43 pm
by TradWanker
Well, isnt' this interesting!? I came here today specifically to post about aggressive dogs. I see I am not the only one who has issue with dogs at the crag. A friend of mine and I arrived at the Oil Crack on Monday morning(Oct. 13), and parked all the way at the end of the road. As I was scoping out the best approach, 2 dogs came running down the road in my direction. One was an Alaskan-looking dog, the other was a grey and black mixed breed, covered in mud. The muddy dog ran right up to me, barking aggresively, and baring it's teeth. It began to circle around me, as if to get behind me to attack. I did not walk by the dog, "get in his space," or otherwise threaten the animal. It ran to me, and got aggressive. :evil:
At this point I yelled "You better get this dog!"as there was no one in sight, while I "stayed on the ropes" so the dog couldn't get behind me. Someone up the road called for the animal; the dog did not respond to that call and ran off in another direction, only to return a few minutes later to continue its aggression. A young lady, who I will assume is the dog's owner, finally came down the road to to restrain the unruly beast. Of course she said "He won't bite, he's really friendly!" I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'm fairly sure that was not friendly behavior. She also said "You scared him!" :roll:
Now to all of you I ask, is it my responsibilty to not "scare" your dog as it runs down the road to attack me, or is it YOUR responsibility to not have YOUR beast running wild at the crag? There are many things I have and do that would irritate and threaten people at the crag, firearms for instance. So guess what, I LEAVE THEM AT HOME! I am considerate enough to realize that not everyone enjoys what I do. I think everyone should be as considerate as to realize not everone likes your dog.
Thank you for listening,

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:54 pm
by Guest
we shouldn't let the issue of dogs divide us. As long as people chose to live with dogs, there will be dogs at the crags - so we should all compromise. Dog owners need to be considerate, and there is no reason why well behaved dogs should not be out enjoying the company of their humans. If a dog is not bothering you, why do you care if it is at the crag or not? Unfortunately it is true that some dog owners feel their dogs can do no wrong, but that is the fault of the people and we all know we can't eradicate assholes at the cliffs, as much as we would like to do so. Not all dog owners are assholes. Most are not. Tell them if you have a problem.

So if my dog ever bothers anyone, please let me know. She's not there very often (and is ALWAYS on her leash, ahem, Wanderer) but absolutely loves it when I take her. I will appreciate being told if my dog (or child) is causing someone problems so I can remedy the situation.

Gretchen, FYI, I was not backpeddaling or trying to placate J.H. I was apologizing for accusing him of threatening to murder a human. You are reading more into what I said than was there.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:58 pm
by Guest
TradWanker, FWIW, I agree - that shit sucks.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 12:12 am
by Artsay
Since I never go to Miguel's and usually don't go to well traveled areas, maybe I don't see all the problems addressed here. If Ray and I pull up to a crag's parking area and it's busy, we go somewhere else...the dogs being just one reason. Also, since our dogs mind their own business, that's probably another reason I defend them. From the sound of it, I'm glad I don't get to crowded places much! :shock: :?

Bad dogs are like dumb blondes; They give the rest of their species a bad name!