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Re: Question for the CC

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:54 pm
by captain static
Clevis Hitch wrote:... But I think the question is better posed as, "why not"...why not have a representative board. why not have climbers have an actual say in the decisions that are made in their name. I mean really...WHY NOT?
The law firm of Silk, Adler, & Colvin provides a review of three different types of non-profit Board structures - They, “strongly recommend against a voting membership structure unless a client has special governance needs that cannot be met in any other way.” Reasons they provide for NOT having a voting membership include:
• More complex and expensive to administer
• Operations can be disrupted or paralyzed by membership factions
• Members may pursue a private agenda with no duty to act in the best interests of the organization
• Corporation can be exposed to lawsuits even when no underlying wrong has been done

Re: Question for the CC

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:22 pm
by One-Fall

Re: Question for the CC

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:18 pm
by Clevis Hitch
O.K. so I've convinced myself that we would be better off to have a non-voting constituancy. Mostly because if the people on this board are a good cross-section of the constitution of the constituancy then we (exclusive of me, of course) are collective idiots. It's dawned on me that we, (including me, of course) would be better off blindly drinking the cool-aid. So just let me know when the next trail day is and I'll show up ready to stand in line at the cool-aid stand.

I would like to thank the Captain for wading through all of the vitriol to hit the nail on the head.

To RRO. That shit hurt.

To Charlie, shut up you fucking cry baby.

I would like to thank the rest of you tools on here for being the tools that you are. It has finally convinced me that you are completely not worth the trouble.

Re: Question for the CC

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:24 pm
by dustonian
What an asshole.

Re: Question for the CC

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:36 pm
by Clevis Hitch
dustonian wrote:What an asshole.
You know what.. fuck you right back. You should look me up. Maybe I could teach you how to dance. Of course you won't, 'cause you're all mouth and no ass.

Re: Question for the CC

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:52 pm
by rhunt
Is it time for the semi annual banning of Joe from this website? Will they serve cake this year at the event?

Re: Question for the CC

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:53 pm
by Clevis Hitch
Thanks man, I needed that.

Re: Question for the CC

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:06 pm
by toad857
You wanted a vote--you got one:

1 for
24483213 against.

you got what you wanted--a discussion on the idea. at the very least, don't accuse others of being "cry babies".....

Re: Question for the CC

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:43 pm
by stix
Yo Joe....Keenan here. I'm right with RRO 110% on this one. you know i'll sit down and kick it with ya any day of the week. we have off and on for longer than i can remember. hell, i'll even fuck some shit up with ya. it's no secret that i have serious ethical concerns with the RRGCC and haven't always been the biggest supporter of them as an entity. i say this even when some of my longest red river friends make up the coalition BOD. bottom line though, homie, is this......we are on the same team. shit is getting better every season and even idealists like you and i have to realize that they are doing more good than not. we all love the same place! as much as it makes my stomach turn to say it, you have to pick your battles. you can agree to disagree sometimes. my guess is that you and i (and probably more of the board members than you'd like to think) are of the same mind. there just happen to be proper avenues for this shit. accept that they are helping out and do your part to help too. you could be a hell of an asset. you know the southern region as well as anyone i know, i'm sure you could build the fuck outta a trail or road. you can bolt a route and are very interested and progressive in terms of safe route developement and new techniques for puttin up lines. you know people around here that aren't climbers. as big of a pain in the ass as you are you still have a lot of friends, this says something. more importantly, you clearly care and think a lot about this place. i know it sucks, but just bite your toungue sometimes and do what you can to help.


my guess is if you just shut the hell up and got your hands dirty at a few of the trail days and helped with a few of the events while wording you concerns or ideas appropriately (which you often do) then your ideas would be better received. help everybody and the gorge out by proving matt wrong. the line between getting kicked off this shit whole of a website and helping the red out is a lot thinner than you think.