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Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 7:18 pm
by Guest
rhunt, you're right . I retract all the things I said. I'll be posted up behind Miguels giving free dog bj's. I'm truely sorry if I offended anyones sensibilities. Please let me make it up by blowing your devil dog. If she is a girl dog,just bring her on back and I'll stroke her too. If he is gay I'll anally please him also. Please let me serve as your dogs most humble servant.
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 7:18 pm
by Gretchen
Who had the pitbull JH 'cause Reilly is a pointer.
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 7:24 pm
by rhunt
J.H. wrote:rhunt, you're right . I retract all the things I said. I'll be posted up behind Miguels giving free dog bj's. I'm truely sorry if I offended anyones sensibilities. Please let me make it up by blowing your devil dog. If she is a girl dog,just bring her on back and I'll stroke her too. If he is gay I'll anally please him also. Please let me serve as your dogs most humble servant.
Dude I don't have a dog, wish I did now! I do have an 8 foot Boa Constrictor will that work?
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 7:36 pm
by the lurkist
Miguel's feelings toward dogs was mentioned much earlier in this post. For the record, I believe he is clear that all dogs must be on a leash. His son Mark was bitten on the face several years ago and left a scar .
What is the big mystery? Dogs should be on leashes at the cliff or left at home. I agree with JH (aka DH) on this. Why should he or anyone subordinate themselves- that is, go around, walk on egg shells, in any way adjust what would otherwise be reasonable behavior, to accomodate an dog owners dog? It is the dog owner's responsibility to maintain control of the animal and not infringe on another person's freedom/ enjoyment of the cliff.
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 7:49 pm
by Lame Wade
I guess dogs are allowed. My reference for my last post was from a trail head sign for trail to Indian Staircase that says no dogs are allowed on that trail. Don't know if the sign still reads that way.
This from the Danial Boone NF web site:
Can I Bring My Dog?
ON THE TRAIL If you bring your dog hiking, keep it under physical restraint at all times. The Daniel Boone is a multiple-use forest, which means you and your dog may meet horseback riders, mountain bikers, and four-wheelers on the trail. Use a leash in crowded areas. Hiking is hard work for a dog, especially if it’s not used to long hikes in hot weather. Watch your dog for signs of stress and fatigue, and give it plenty of water and rest.
In the campgrounds, dogs must be on a leash and under control, because cars are more prevalent. Tie your dog up in a shady spot and give it lots of attention to minimize barking.
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 7:57 pm
by Artsay
the lurkist wrote:What is the big mystery? Dogs should be on leashes at the cliff or left at home. I agree with JH (aka DH) on this. Why should he or anyone subordinate themselves- that is, go around, walk on egg shells, in any way adjust what would otherwise be reasonable behavior, to accomodate an dog owners dog? It is the dog owner's responsibility to maintain control of the animal and not infringe on another person's freedom/ enjoyment of the cliff.
The way I see it, we're all here sharing the world and we should do our best to accomodate one another if it doesn't entail all that much effort. Dogs give many people enjoyment. I bet if you were to do a poll of who likes dogs at the cliff that most would say they like them there.
What you said about dogs could be said for kids too. When I go to the climbing gym, why should I have to step over a child gate at the top of the stairs, walk on egg shells not to bump into her, and wait a minute or two for her to get out of my way before getting to where I need to? Shouldn't it be the parents' responsibility to keep their kids close to them so as not to infringe on another person's freedom/enjoyment of the gym?
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not attacking you or trying to make you feel bad, but I think it's a good analogy. I love Amelia being at the gym! But kids, like dogs, need adult supervision. When we give them a little freedom we rely (though you may not realize it or not) on the patience of others to allow them to get in the way.
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 8:29 pm
by the lurkist
First of all, the baby gate exist because the gym owners put it there after they had a child. They did not do it to accomodate the Loeffler's. You should let Brook and Steohi know how you feel about babies and there accoutrement. You have only seen my child at climb time a handful of times (probably these instances could be counted on one had, maybe two). You won't be bothered by her again. This interference of a small human pales in comparison to the inconveniece dog owners are causing others at the cliff every weekend. When was the last time you saw Amelia mix it up with another dog, poop in the trail, piss on someone elses pack, generally cause a nuisance. Please, Michelle, you analogy is ludicrous and asinine and in general weak. I'll remember your sentiment when you have a child- i.e. I'll be polite enough to not bring it up and will support you.
Second of all, your attitude towards your dog is emblematic of what is skewed, in my opinion, with many of the posts from dog owners that I have read in this thread. You are equating human value or qualities to an animal- hence the term anthropomorphizing. This in my mind is irrational and shows a dysfunctional co dependence with an animal. Its and animal! Be as value relativistic as you want, but humans take precedence. Yours and everyone elses dog's experience at the cliff (or anywhere else) takes a back seat to a human's experience.
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 8:30 pm
by Spragwa
Hmm. WE did the poll Artsay. I don't know where but I do remember that the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of having dogs at the cliff. I am in total favor of it. I think you must know your dog, know your dog's personality and be realistic. I cannot give Dakota as much leeway as JR can give Gunner. But she doesn't need as much supervision as other dogs that I've seen.
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 8:32 pm
by the lurkist
whoops- I meant Lexington Rocks. My apoplogies to Brook and Stephi and Brian.
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 8:38 pm
by Power2U
Wow this thread has gotten long today....
All I want to add is the following:
Should J.H. be censored??
You ROCK J.H. ,keep up the good work 15% [ 8 ]
I agree with some of the things he says , he's a little abrasive though 13% [ 7 ]
He's out of line and needs to be censored 30% [ 16 ]
I see a shovel,a bag of lime and a shallow grave in his future!!! 40% [ 21 ]
Total Votes : 52
The results of your own self initiated poll...get a clue man