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Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:01 pm
by rjackson
While this is a climbing site, and most everyone who posts here is a climber of some sorts, it's more about people and the human race in general that is the problem. No matter the sport, vocation, area or time...there is always going to be an individual (or group of 'em) who have little common sense, morals or respect. There's always going to be one apple with a worm.

It's society, and it's what makes the world go round. I used to think (when younger) the world would be a better place if everything was produced around a 'standards manual of good design.' But then there goes the individualism, and who gets to make the decisions of what is good and right?

Point being... life goes on no matter. Win some, lose some. Hindsight is 20/20 and you can't please everyone all the time.

If you own it, you can do what you want with it. If you open it up to the public (which the climbing community is), you're going to get the bad with the good.

Sharing is a good thing, but don't expect all of humanity to share your ideology (or to even have an iota of common sense).

Personal opinion: If you own it, post it (No Trespass). CYA. You make the decisions about what you want out of your property, and you need only answer to yourself.

....ahhhh, sometimes it's good just to ramble.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:34 pm
by allah
pigsteak wrote:allah, are you following all of those rules brah?
If you mean builing a building with out a permit, No. Stealling somone elses ideas, No. being untrue to the people that help you out the most, No. And as far as drilling goes, i have only drilled on land that we own or the people that own the lode own. that should answer your question and rob's.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:00 pm
by rhunt
Yo Allah there's a reason I Pm'd you.


As long as you have your FACTS straight then I have no more questions...bolt away.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:33 pm
by allah
I know im just lazy and diidnt want to type two messages :D

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:13 pm
by pigsteak
lol...I am guilty....I have bolted on land where I wasn't 100% sure of the access..just checking to see if anyone else wanted to fess up before we burned the witches of Salem.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:13 am
by whadam00
defender wrote:If you own it, post it (No Trespass).
Why should a landowner have to go to the hassle and expense of posting signs? "No Trespass" is the law even without the signs. Just because they're not a fence with a sign on every other post doesn't mean you're allowed to just waltz (or climb) onto whatever property you want.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:26 pm
by gulliver
whadam00 wrote:
defender wrote:If you own it, post it (No Trespass).
Why should a landowner have to go to the hassle and expense of posting signs? "No Trespass" is the law even without the signs. Just because they're not a fence with a sign on every other post doesn't mean you're allowed to just waltz (or climb) onto whatever property you want.
To offset an argument of customary use? or maybe they double as a game tag. Shoot them and staple the sign to their forehead. :twisted: