I came back for an injury much like Meadows. I have to admit, I still have a fear, not of falling, but of what I will hit on the way down. Slabs really bother me, but I do them anyway. I guess the key is never give up.
HA, thanks Dwayne! You helped me come to the realization that I don't really have a problem with falling. It's what my body will look like after the fall that terrifies me!
I did start leading trad again this weekend at the New - little over a year after First Fall. It took me a looooong time to finish the routes (still a lot of climbing and downclimbing). I seem to have temporarily lost my eye for pro and am back to doing trial and error, but I found that I still have the profanity-at-the-crux down to a T. It's awesome to have very encouraging and patient friends who do not give up on you. I think that's one of the keys to eliminating any fear when climbing.
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our mind. ~Bob Marley
Ya know, some people think that those who climb without fear are bad ass. Honestly, I think that it takes a LOT more strength to climb *with* fear and push past those fears. Props to ya, girl!
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
I am glad we had this little talk, It's good to know I'm not alone.
I agree with Artsay though fear is not all bad. I love seeing those bumber stickers that say "NO FEAR" . I really like the ones that say "KNOW FEAR" much better.