What kind of climbing do you want? I hear Tuna Town is more like 12b so if you want a solid 12d then that's probably not the one for ya.
Phantasia may be a good one especially since it's sheltered from the sun, rain, and that area doesn't see too much traffic. Some other cool looking lines are 8-ball, Racer X, The Dinosaur, and Stunning the Hog.
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
you need to get on Orange Juice and do that before you do any of those other routes. It might only be 12c but im telling you that is the route to get on. Do Steelworker too, if you havent already. Convicted would be a good one too. it would be a good 12d to do. High Hard One is really good too. Shanghi at the Darkside is the second best route there. Phantasia would be good too, get ready for the cave for this fall.