yosemite next summer
i respect the rock just not the rules directly pointed at climbers. i don't steal my neighbors stuff that's fucked up, mooching gear is alright as long as you give back and i help my brothers out lending gear too. i don't see what drinking, drugs, being legit, and growing up have to do with doing what i want. and what makes me a cheesy poser, you high and mighty, wise asshole. go back to work.
"rules directly pointed at climbers"?????? last I checked, sleeping in Yosemite illegally was directed at all visitors, not just climbers.
I am all for you going on an extended road trip, dropping out, and doing it however you want....sleep in shelters, sleep with friends, sleep in a garbage can...
but to bend the rules, and make others pay for it....no thanks man. some great ideas were suggested....getting a job so you can get legit housing seems like a reasonable option, but you are not up for that much responsibility right now.
paying for weed and booze is hardly roughing it on no money..it is merely a matter of priorities...why not pay for the camping, and steal the booze..what's the difference in who you cheat?
I am all for you going on an extended road trip, dropping out, and doing it however you want....sleep in shelters, sleep with friends, sleep in a garbage can...
but to bend the rules, and make others pay for it....no thanks man. some great ideas were suggested....getting a job so you can get legit housing seems like a reasonable option, but you are not up for that much responsibility right now.
paying for weed and booze is hardly roughing it on no money..it is merely a matter of priorities...why not pay for the camping, and steal the booze..what's the difference in who you cheat?
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
rebel without a cause? and some of the rules directed towards climbers and still necessary: they preserve the land and rock. so respect it as you say you do. you're not being anything special or original, you know. you're just being a selfish prick is all.
that'd be good if you do share and other such things as you say you do. good. but stick to it. the drugs and drinking, that's your own thing, can't say much either way. but if you want to save money, as you say you do, then you're just blowing it. being legit just means sticking to what you say if you really believe it. otherwise you're just another poser and you're the one acting high and mighty.
as for fucking the rules, they're there for a reason, no matter how much we hate it. not all of them are right or good, but a good many of them are. case in point: i got a ticket last night for pulling a u-turn in an intersection. it's bullshit. it's barely an intersection, the other road has one house on it and it's barely off campus.. and still the conditions were fine, ie: no other traffic and no real danger. stupid shit in my opinion. but at the same time, you can't pull u-turns in ohio. it's not because someone just arbitrarily came up with the idea to fuck us all over and piss us off. it's because people get in accidents and mess up traffic flow. as much as i hate the ticket, i know it was wrong. lesson to take home: use your head and obey the rules, don't be a rebel cliche.
being selfish is nothing special. people do it all the time. if you want to be a true dirtbag and cut all the extra shit, sell your computer or go climb with the time you spend on here.

that'd be good if you do share and other such things as you say you do. good. but stick to it. the drugs and drinking, that's your own thing, can't say much either way. but if you want to save money, as you say you do, then you're just blowing it. being legit just means sticking to what you say if you really believe it. otherwise you're just another poser and you're the one acting high and mighty.
as for fucking the rules, they're there for a reason, no matter how much we hate it. not all of them are right or good, but a good many of them are. case in point: i got a ticket last night for pulling a u-turn in an intersection. it's bullshit. it's barely an intersection, the other road has one house on it and it's barely off campus.. and still the conditions were fine, ie: no other traffic and no real danger. stupid shit in my opinion. but at the same time, you can't pull u-turns in ohio. it's not because someone just arbitrarily came up with the idea to fuck us all over and piss us off. it's because people get in accidents and mess up traffic flow. as much as i hate the ticket, i know it was wrong. lesson to take home: use your head and obey the rules, don't be a rebel cliche.
being selfish is nothing special. people do it all the time. if you want to be a true dirtbag and cut all the extra shit, sell your computer or go climb with the time you spend on here.

and great loves will one day have to part -smashing pumpkins
ycs isn't neccesarilly a bad option but i don't like having to answer to bosses. stealing is wrong and i see not paying for camping to be merely bending the rules. i could pay for camping and after the first week chnge my name but then that would be lying wouldn't it. i choose the rules i break and don't let others do it for me.
"i choose the rules I break and don't let others do it for me"...
in that case, be ready to pay the price of getting caught, and don't whine when you are.
unfortunately, you are wrong in your synopsis of right and wrong, but how dare we even assert there are "right and wrong" actions in society...stealing is wrong, lying is wrong, not paying for camping is wrong...all no brainers..justify it however you must, but it doesn't change the facts...you don't like the "rules", then work to change them, or go climb where the camping is free...
and seriously, enjoy the trip...the Park is incredible, as you already know
in that case, be ready to pay the price of getting caught, and don't whine when you are.
unfortunately, you are wrong in your synopsis of right and wrong, but how dare we even assert there are "right and wrong" actions in society...stealing is wrong, lying is wrong, not paying for camping is wrong...all no brainers..justify it however you must, but it doesn't change the facts...you don't like the "rules", then work to change them, or go climb where the camping is free...
and seriously, enjoy the trip...the Park is incredible, as you already know
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
i have no ''dirtbag heroes'' just friends ive met along the way. my friends arent scum and dirtbagging is a time honored tradition. i know im taking advantage of people along the way but everyone does so don't act like you don't. living is a right and climbing is an interest and all sentient beings pursue their interests.
man I have been dirtbagging for a year and a half and I have yet to meet the ones who are
Yea we are dirty and we are ususally really really poor but we are passionate about our lives and our community. and we are climbing every day.
most everyone I have met has been intellegent and compasionate people who have found interesting ways to live the way that they want to live their life. I have one friend who I dumpster dive with all the time but he owns a duplex in texas. he rents out both halves and uses that money to subsist on. most dirtbag climbers work for 3 months a year whether it be construction, tree planting, fruit picking, or even selling posters to college kids. i myself spend my rest days doing computer programming contract work.the rest are SCUM who lie, cheat, and steal to PLAY.
Yea we are dirty and we are ususally really really poor but we are passionate about our lives and our community. and we are climbing every day.
Back from the Dead!