I use rubber bands stretched around the edge of the webbing. It marks your gear and also holds the beaners in place so they don't shuffle around and wind up ass backwards when you go to place.
Today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go fuck himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.
If you are going to go through the effort of marking your beaners, I would recommend marking them in the same place on each beaner....It lets you know which end will be the end that opens. If the beaner gets flipped around, it is nice to know before pulling up the rope. For example, I mark all of mine, at the 10:00 point (if the beaner was round). That way, I know that the gate will open & just about hit the tape. If the tape is closer to the webbing than me, I know that it needs flipped.
"Missiles are absolutely antisocial" --Dr. Bronner
ok well I will ask a question from this historic thread but in the very beginning meadows asked how she could mark them...my question is why would you mark them...? to keep the from getting mixed up with the other quickdraws?
I only ask because I to got my first set of quickdraws today So I thought I might look around for little gems of information...
It's necessary, especially if you climb with or around people with the same type of draws. In my case I have Spirits and so do many other people. We borrow draws and leave draws on routes for others for the day so it's easy to mix them up or lose them if they're not marked.