Coalition Meeting
Coalition Meeting
So who wants to update us slackers on the recent goings on of the RRGCC?
Pick myself up, stop lookin' back.
Grand Funk Railroad
Grand Funk Railroad
Re: Coalition Meeting
The best news is the road to solar will be fixed soon! 

Last edited by Josephine on Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game." ~ Under the Tuscan Sun
Re: Coalition Meeting
The RRGCC Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, March 9th at the Pine Crest Camp Lodge in Beattyville, KY, from 8:30-10:00am. So, mark your calendars. We will be posting updates on the RRGCC website and Facebook page in the interim.
Re: Coalition Meeting
At the RRGCC Board of Directors meeting held on Saturday, February 23, 2013 an expenditure was unanimously approved to pay for repairs to the roads that access the Coal Bank Hollow and Sore Heel Hollow parking areas. This work is being made possible, in part, by a generous $3,000 donation from an anonymous donor. Even though the Pendergrass-Murray Recreational Preserve mortgage was paid off in 2012, the RRGCC still depends on donations to maintain the lands owned and managed by climbers. Please consider making a recurring or one time donation today to support the RRGCC’s mission to protect and ensure open access the world class rock climbing opportunities in Red River Gorge, Kentucky.
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:54 pm
Re: Coalition Meeting
What is the date of the next RRGCC meeting?
Re: Coalition Meeting
I may be wrong but I believe it is Saturday March 9th.
Re: Coalition Meeting
It was initially scheduled for Saturday, March 9th; it may get pushed back to Saturday, March 23rd. I'll post up as soon as it's decided, which should be today or tomorrow. 

"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
(Emails > PMs)
(Emails > PMs)
Re: Coalition Meeting
I'm hoping it's changed to the 23rd. I'll be in the area that weekend and will be able to attend.
Re: Coalition Meeting
The 2013 Annual Meeting of the Red River Gorge Climbers’ Coalition will be held on Saturday, March 9, 2013 at the Pine Crest Camp Lodge located at 200 Pine Crest Camp Rd, Beattyville, KY 41311. Prior to the meeting, a continental breakfast will be served from 8:30 – 9:00am. A regular RRGCC Board meeting will then be held from 9:00 – 9:30am. This will be followed from 9:30 – 10:00am by a presentation and discussion of the Coalition’s Strategic Plan for 2013. Major initiatives to be pursued by the RRGCC in 2013 include finalization of an updated Memorandum of Understanding with the US Forest Service and Daniel Boone National Forest, further development of mountain biking opportunities on the Coalition-owned Pendergrass-Murray Recreational Preserve (PMRP), and establishment of a fund for potential future land acquisitions. If you plan to attend this meeting, please RSVP on our Facebook page or to so that we can get an idea of how much food and hand-outs we need to have.
Re: Coalition Meeting
RRGCC wrote: and establishment of a fund for potential future land acquisitions.

Can't we all just get along?