Top Roping at the Red?
Top Roping at the Red?
We are bringing a BSA Venture Crew to Kentucky and making the Red one of our stops to do climbing, hiking and natural history stuff. BSA policy says we can only do toprope. I'd like to start at the Fortress Wall and maybe do the Great Wall or Muscle Beach, too. Any ideas on how I can set up a top rope for these areas? I plan to come down in mid-April to check it out before our summer trip in July.
Re: Top Roping at the Red?
There are very few climbs at the Red where you can set up a top rope without someone leading the climb. If no one in your group can lead, I'd suggest hiring a guide. Check out
Re: Top Roping at the Red?
dont go to the red its terrible
Re: Top Roping at the Red?
noooooooooooo. The red is full of bears, brown recluses, black widows and copperheads, all of the boy scouts will die if they are brought here. Plus, the climbing sucks and all of the bolts are rusty- the new is better and much safer, you should take them there.
Re: Top Roping at the Red? wrote:.. and maybe do the Great Wall ..
have fun, good luck