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Post by jeffers_mz »

Well Andy, other than a day trip to the San Juans, I haven't taken any vacation since I got back after 9/11. Everyone sort of knew the airline business was doomed, and I wanted that 3 weeks pay "in the bank" just in case, so I haven't been climbing in over a year other than the gym.

Since getting furloughed in early September, I've been pretty busy, bringing the lan up to fast ethernet with a gigabit backbone, adding an Athalon 2000+ and an AMD 650, and negotiating a grant to get my MCSE. The good news is I have a 6 month membership at the gym and put up a pair of rock rings here, so hopefully, by the time spring rolls around, I'll have a new job, the money and vacation time to go climbing, and the skill to actually get off the ground.

Ray, it doesn't sound like DOS, from what you've said, I'd guess the DSL 'modem' is probably the culprit. I'd expect a dump to show your end asking for an IP but no replies coming back across if that's the case. Is that what you're seeing during failures?
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Post by ray »

That's exactly right Jeffers.......me just broadcasting for an ip and not getting any responses.

Seems like the new modem has done the trick. 2 days now and my ssh connection from work is still active. Usually I have to reconnect each morning!
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Post by andy_lemon »

Did I just get yelled at... or, what exactly did you say to me? :?:
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