weber wrote:The Lee Co. ambulance service is fine - they just don't have a litter. Rick
Rick, how much $ are we talking about here for them to acquire a litter? I think the community should fix this ASAP.
There are other concerns as important as having a litter, such as having proper training. PM me for details.
It is not my place to suggest a solution to the RRGCC. There are many concerns, including legal liability. I can only tell you that our choice at Muir is to do what we feel is the right thing rather than do nothing for fear of being sued. We chose to buy a litter, gear, and first aid supplies. If the RRGCC wants a litter, then we'll donate our old one. It still works fine. (New ones are 600 -1200.)
Guess I better attach a string to that offer. You get the litter if you can come up with a dozen volunteers who will take a half-day's training in litter packaging and low-angle litter management. (free)
Last edited by weber on Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
Meadows wrote:An LZ is definitely needed but we don't have a guarantee of it being managed (mowed). At this point, the RRGCC cannot provide the manpower, BUT as a concerned climber, I feel we should generate ideas on the topic.
Do they really need the damn thing mowed? I would think that all they need is even, dry ground in a clearing of dimension Z x Y without any intervening tree/ branch cover.
Meadows wrote:An LZ is definitely needed but we don't have a guarantee of it being managed (mowed). At this point, the RRGCC cannot provide the manpower, BUT as a concerned climber, I feel we should generate ideas on the topic.
Do they really need the damn thing mowed? I would think that all they need is even, dry ground in a clearing of dimension Z x Y without any intervening tree/ branch cover.
The two air ambulance services down here will be happy to meet with you and tell you exactly what they need.
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
The Pirate wrote:If we can get a Heli-port built in the PMRP, I will be sure to keep it mowed...I live here full time,And would be glad to help with the maintence...
Wow Rick. The Red is lucky to have a guy like you around. I'm continually impressed with your determination to keep us safe and your service to this community. Thanks a bunch.
The Pirate wrote:If we can get a Heli-port built in the PMRP, I will be sure to keep it mowed...I live here full time,And would be glad to help with the maintence...
I'll ask my buddy (helicopter pilot) about size. They can land those things in surprisingly small places.