for the runners

Quit whining. Drink bourbon. Climb more.
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Post by dipsi »

mike_a_lafontaine wrote:Egg, that's good. Lots of protein is important for long endurance exercise! One thing very few people realize is that endurance athletes require more protein intake than power lifters and body builders.
Yes, and being a vegetarian alergic to dairy makes that fun to accomplish. Of course, some folk wouldn't consider 5k running a long endurance exercise.
What I love about running is you can meditate while running. It's a peaceful place.

Sister Mary Elizabeth Lloyd, Runs marathons to raise money and awareness about children orphaned by AIDS
Posts: 234
Joined: Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:44 pm


Post by mike_a_lafontaine »

dipsi wrote:
Yes, and being a vegetarian alergic to dairy makes that fun to accomplish. Of course, some folk wouldn't consider 5k running a long endurance exercise.
She's talking about doing a marathon, I thought, not a 5K. But even so, a 5K might not be really endurance, but I would consider a 5K every day to be endurance training. Back on topic, when I am training for a longer race, which for me is usually adventure races, I just try to improve on what I did the day before. Of course, that does present problems...I used to run 3 miles a day, then one day I found a 5 mile route and ran it for a week. Now, when I get to that junction where turning one way is a 3 miler, turning the other is a 5 miler, I almost always take the 5 miler, and when I take the 3 miler, I'm disappointed in myself. Of course, this mind set isn't so great as I've been getting older, because my body would like a 3 miler every now and again...
Posts: 4217
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Re: for the runners

Post by dipsi »

Oh, I was just referring to myself being a 5k runner. I plan to add some distance in the future. For now, starting back running in my 60s, after a long, respiratory illness, makes a 5k run seem like 100 miles. Still, I love to run, so I'll take what I can accomplish for now and build on it as I can!
What I love about running is you can meditate while running. It's a peaceful place.

Sister Mary Elizabeth Lloyd, Runs marathons to raise money and awareness about children orphaned by AIDS
Posts: 937
Joined: Thu Oct 24, 2002 10:14 pm

Re: for the runners

Post by Lateralus »

running most likely won't be fun until you do enough of it to enjoy it. Sounds kind of dumb but it's true. When you start getting fit and that 1 or 2 miles that used to kick your ass starts becoming easy for you, the magic really starts to happen. It takes months to get there though, be patient, some days are better than others, just like anything else. DON't GIVE UP!, just be consistent and keep plugging away.
Once you have a few months under your belt start paying attention to the details, form,pace, distance, heartrate... If you make it past the "intro period" you will find many different types of training can be practiced that make running very interesting such as speed work, hills, interval training, fartlek. That said, try to find out what type of terrain you prefer. Some folks love treadmills, others street (pavement), track, trails. **make sure you have a good pair of running shoes. Even if you end up not liking it enough to stick it out, running shoes are some of the most comfortable supportive shoes you can own imo, so at the very least you get that out of it :)
"Good things take time, impossible things take a little longer"
Percy Gerutty
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