To the Muir Valley Thief

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To the Muir Valley Thief

Post by pigsteak »

First some facts:

Two weeks ago I hung a static line at The Great Wall in Muir Valley. I was finishing up an old Tm Powers line that had anchors but no bolts for leading. The pitch is no more than 50 feet, so 2/3 of the static line was on the ground. I coiled the remaining rope, and tossed it 6 feet up onto a ledge.

I went back yesterday to finish the job, and someone had climbed 20 feet up a 4th class gully (the start of 5.6 La Escalade). From there, they cut and stole the static line that was lying on the ledge. (I had not brought an additional rope with me, so had to go back to the car and get one.) What was left was 40 foot of static line hanging from the anchors, 20 foot above the ground. I was able to climb the same gully used by the thief, grab the rope with a stick clip, and tie an additional static line to the short one.

The route is finished and open, and named “Buccaneerâ€
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Post by BMT »

This is hilarious. Im glad I don't know the punk ass.
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Post by Wes »

I think it was hikers. Climbers are way to cool to do something like that. Perhaps we should ban hikers from muir?
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Sco Bro
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Post by Sco Bro »

What an asshole and a moron. If you were stupid enough to steal the bad end of that rope you’ve got a short life expectancy whether Pigsteak finds you or not. Perhaps we will find this moron in a pile at the bottom of a cliff one day. If so I’m taking a crap in his/her backpack and leaving them.
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Post by KD »

goddam rope -stealin climb-hikin' jay oh ohs!
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Post by whatahutch »

I find it pretty stupid that they actually only took part of the rope. From what I can remember, isn't the shelf there actually big enough to crawl all the way to the top-rope anchors?
And besides there are a bunch of project ropes hanging in the red and just because they hang there is the reason why not to take them. I wouldn't want to tie into something that hangs in the elements.
Too bad common sense isn't very common.
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Post by Andrew »

I can't imagine anyone is dumb enough to steal part of a messed up rope. I bet the story went like this.

Gumby1: I can't believe people leave their old ropes hanging from the top of climbs
Gumby2: Yea bro, I know what your saying.
Gumby1: We should do everyone a favor and get it down.
Gumby2: Right on bro, if only we were strong enough to climb up there.
Gumby1: I have a great idea, lets climb up this 5.6 and just cut off part of it, its better then nothing right.
Gumby2: Of course bro, lets cut it down. By the way, nice flat bill hat brosuace.
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Post by Meadows »

How do you know if it's malice intent?
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Post by pigsteak »

whatahutch..the anchors my rope were on are between the 11b and the 5.6 no, they could not have reached my anchors without climbing the 11b to the left, and then traversing 15 feet right.

andrew, I highly doubt it was done as a courtesy call, but you are free to give this idiot the benefit of the doubt...I hear you have some ropes hanging around Muir...mind if I return the favor? 8)
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Post by KD »

I still think it was the Jay oh ohs!
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