Who the F%$# is stealing draws off 50 Words!?!

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Post by Danny »

Yo Greg, try some birth control pills.
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Post by mcrib »

or you could solo routes for the cameras. and if you are a full time college student anywhere but Duke it is not a viable excuse for not being as good as Joe Kinder.
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Post by anticlmber »

its not really being humble just because OTHER people spray for you.
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Post by stix »

this is all gettin to be a little off topic but my .02
i like to talk shit as much as the next guy, i think 8a.nu is lame, problogs seem a little out there, publicizing what you climb i think is dumb
that being said most of the pros we've mentioned that i've had the chance to climb around have been rad people and really supportive of what everyone else at the crag is doin
joe, chris, jason kehl, emily harrington, dave grahm, greg kerzhner, etc....have all been right on at the crags
it's easy to hate when we are just readin actions out of context, but i think most people would get along at the crag

wow....i can't believe i just said that
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Post by rhunt »

Yet still bolt hangers got smashed - something reminiscent of the early 90's bolting wars. I wondered what would happen when all the rock stars started coming to the red, I never imagined this kinda of drama. I wonder what the sponsors think of this crap?
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Post by easymoney »

<<<Second, the people it directly affects are the ones who put their time and money into preserving the PMRP, so you're talking about far more than "a few". >>>

apparently the people this really affects are the ones who like to sit around and b!tch and moan. and soon to be the ones who b!tch and moan and write "songs" about it.

i've been living in lex-town and climbing in the gorge 2-3x a week for the past 10 years and doing what i can to volunteer periodically (but i moved from up north so i'm probably only a "transplant" and not a "local" -i guess that means the Venturas are the only real locals?- [and probably also because i never sit around in my spare time until now and contribute "actively" to this {internet}community]). my life is no different after what's happened. and let's be honest, neither has anyone else's life been altered by this save a very few. this affects the ONE who put his time and money into that route (and only by the two additional bolts that he added after the first FA. two bolts that are not necessary)*. this affects joe kinder only because he let it affect him (scroll up and page back to see why joe really didn't "send" his "proj" that day. it affects qwerty2, obviously. and it affects the jackass(es) who stole any and all of the draws. (note: i do think the idea for perma-draws with jb weld is brilliant). and this is barely reminiscent of the bolt wars of the 90s. that was way more involved and far-reaching. that was farking entitled, our-way-is-the-only-way trad-climbers being gay. i doubt this is going to start any type of action in the future similar to what happened, and has already been repaired.

stop the entitlement speeches and gross exaggerations. most of people's hard work and sweat and blood and time and feelings and whatever else would only be affected if this were going on all over the gorge, to full routes, to trails being ruined and ransacked, or to cliffs being trashed in some way besides the cliffline erosion that we do to the woods year in and year out. we make up the rules and we decide what is destruction and what is not. it's a real shame that nature can't strike back against us.

lighten up a bit and let this all die back down to the small ching of a hammer hitting metal (and not hitting rock, mind you). . .

*the bolts are back, hooray!

it's a shame some of you haven't been hit over the head with that hammer --zing!
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Post by Andrew »

I bet Joe can't even do my easy little 13a, but neither can anyone else.
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Post by stix »

the bolt smasher was not one of the "rock stars" i was speakin of
i don't see how the pros bein here has anything to do with instigating the incident
what it did do was allow the word to spread much further than it would have had there been know well known party involved

greg....i'm normally with ya on most of what you say....i'm a proponent of stirrin the pot
however, i don't see how bein upset that the bolts on the sport route you were workin on bein smashed flat makes you overly entitled
i think any of us would be a little pissed even if we agreed with the statement
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Post by pigsteak »

Do you know who I am? I am PIGSTEAK.

(just wanted to add that, since this thread has generated more porno views than most.)
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Post by flashmaster »

Greg I love you but you're a f-ing idiot. this has nothing to do whos a pro climber and whos not and what they climb. The fact is that smashing bolts is a really stupid way to make a statement and you know it is. I love Adam to death and am a bit jealous that he has such a cute girl and I don'. but that was a dumb way to handle things and you know it. And whatever you say about Joe he's a pretty stand up guy too he's always been nice to everyone I've seen him meet not like some of the other eliteists I've met. But whatever this shit is stupid
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