VP debate

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Post by bcombs »


Do you know anything about this topic? -> Yes! -> Wait, really? -> No...

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Post by anticlmber »

oh dana how i love you so. you should totally kick her in the vajayjay.
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Post by B.J. »

Palin did better than I expected, but seeing as how I expected her to fall flat on her ass, that isn't saying much. Her "folksy" approach with all her "you betchas!" and "golly gee willikers!" came off as childish and unprofessional to me. Of the two, Biden came off as vastly more presidential.
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Post by Meadows »

More importantly, I'm eager to see the SNL recap.
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Post by ems »

"I think Palin did a lot better than many, including me, thought she would."

There's a rhyme and reason for this. After the Couric incident there wasn't much of a scramble by the McCain camp to repair her tattered image. They just let it slide, even to the point of calls from her own party to step down. By keeping the bar so incredibly low Palin didn't actually have to beat Biden to pull a win. She just had to appear smarter than we all thought she was. Not exactly a difficult feat.
L Day
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Post by L Day »

"In Thursday night’s vice presidential debate between Senator Joe Biden and Governor Sarah Palin, Biden said the strangest and most ill-informed thing I have ever heard about Lebanon in my life. . . . Nobody – nobody – has ever kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon. Not the United States. Nor France. Not Israel. And not the Lebanese. Nobody.

Joe Biden has literally no idea what he’s talking about.

It’s too bad debate moderator Gwen Ifill didn’t catch him and ask a follow up question: When did the United States and France kick Hezbollah out of Lebanon? . . .

Like many who watched the debate, I was bracing myself for Palin to say something off-putting about foreign policy. She’s the one who needed the crash course, allegedly; Biden is supposedly Mr. Foreign Policy. He’s supposed to be the experienced elder statesman Senator Barack Obama chose to help him govern and fill in some of his knowledge and experience gaps. He’s supposed to know far more about foreign policy than she does." - Michael Totten
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Post by L Day »

"THIS DEBATE "FACT CHECK" from ABC News notes that Sarah Palin fluffed the name of a general in Afghanistan but -- as I predicted last night -- ignores Joe Biden's multiple Constitutional mistakes. Putting the President in Article I, and claiming that the VP only presides over the Senate in case of a tie would seem to be at least as significant, especially given that Biden has been in the Senate since before I hit puberty, and is, you know, running for Vice President. Perhaps he should study up on what the job involves -- remember, the rap on Sarah Palin was that she didn't know. And perhaps the press should try reporting on what he says more . . . ." Glenn Reynolds
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Post by L Day »

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Post by krampus »

uh, not sure if you have ears but I do, it sounded to me like that "contradiction" was exactly what he claimed it was during the debates. He was talking about dirty coal in china through the entire youtube vidio.

wow, I listened to it three times thinking maybe you got it right somehow, but wow. I think you should listen to it again man. :roll:

thank you though, I was waiting for the other side of the story
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L Day
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Post by L Day »

Yep I got it right. Somehow. :roll:
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