Trad Rack

Placing a cam? Slotting a nut? Slinging a tree?
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Trad Rack

Post by JRTrash »

I am fairly new to climbing and wanting to ask for some cams for x-mas and was wondering which ones were best?
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Post by pigsteak »

the ones that are free as a christmas gift are best.
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Post by ReachHigh »

Its mostly person preference. I'd suggest seconding and learning gear to find out which ones you like best.
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Post by jobryan »

i prefer black diamound c4 and c3 cams
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Post by endercore »

dont forget the clippy clips.

i think you'd benefit from anything that is free. I like BD cams, but anything is better than nothing.
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Post by Diggler »

Wild Country Flex friends, or DMM U-Stems...they won't break the bank like "sCAM-aLOTS"
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Post by pawilkes »

i prefer BD C4's but i am worked for them so i am a bit biased. Metolius TCU's are nice, i don't like their big stuff as much but it works. Aliens are nice but expensive and often times hard to find. European stuff... its available, WildCountry makes some nice gear but I think the best stuff is BD and Metolius
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Post by p0bray01 »

Cams-C4's...have caught my 200 lb butt many a time. Trust em with my life.
Omega Pac's link cams are nice in a pinch but I wouldnt buy them starting off but are a great supplement.
TCU's are my babies for the small placements. I have never tried the C3's or aliens...I dont know if I would trust the latter anymore tho...
If you are just building your rack look into Wild Country's nuts and hexes...they have a higher strength rating and are very easy to place and bomber...again...caught this big body flying through the air a few times. Its funny...depending on where you climb...sometimes you dont even need that many can get away with mostly passive stuff.

Oh and like piggie gear is great no matter what! :wink:
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Post by Sloopy »

I'd go BD C3's or C4's, maybe a set of stoperz, and yes, the clippy clips also work nicely :mrgreen:
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Post by Bruisebrother »

Don't forget the 'Fold'em Over's' if your going passive!
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