left of green eggs

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left of green eggs

Post by chh »

So, I noticed some hangers across the ledge from green eggs/ham at Dip wall on Saturday. Walked maybe 15-20 feet left from the base of green eggs and found an overhanging offwidth boulder problem, followed what looked like a very casual, less than vertical run to the ledge. There was also a wood rat under the roof where the route started who is very fond of peanut butter on wheat crackers, and also has young family, so if you go out there try to keep the drunkenness and bad language to a minimum. He gave me a very reproachful look. Anyway, the OW was hard and I took and thrutched and finally cheated past it. The rest of the route (maybe 35 feet) was very wet and covered in slimy moss, inside and out. But it did pinch down to a more manageable hand crack in the last 10 feet. Now if this route were dry, or it got a lot of traffic to clean it out, it would be a hell of a lot of fun, but as it stands I wouldn't recommend it. Or at the very least don't attempt it the day after a deluge. I looked a little like I got into a wraslin' match with a muddy badger afterwards. I was just wondering if anyone knew what it was. It isn't in the new guidebook, though I haven't dug up my Bronaugh guide and looked there yet. The hangers were in ok shape for rapping, but I left a nut and a sling for piece of mind. Go ahead and get it if you want, but no cheating and traversing over from Green Eggs! Looks like from there you could top out as well.

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Post by p0bray01 »

I saw those hangers there too the last time I was at Dip. I did not climb through the mud hole to clip em tho. Good job! :wink:
"The Mountains are my church and climbing is how I worship" - Tommy Caldwell
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