Southern layout

Having problems finding a crag or a route?
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Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2003 12:40 am

Post by Scaife »

Road maps would be great. I totally bottomed out my car while traveling on the wrong road looking for Drive by. The worse part was I had to do it again, so I could get out of there. :cry: It was just like the movies. My hood poped open and everything. I think I'll look into renting next time. :wink:
Posts: 49
Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 3:31 pm

Post by dlewis101 »

Yeah, parking your front-wheeler is definately recommended when going to Drive-by and/or Oil Crack. I've gotten my Subaru Impreza up to Drive By before with no bottoming out, but I scraped the bottom all the way back down. Next time, it's parking at the bottom for me.
Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Jan 24, 2003 9:16 pm

Post by Gothmog »

OK, this has been nagging me for years now. Why don't we start calling the area what it really is geographically? It's actually the Big Sinking Creek Valley. The southern region is so impersonal. Big Sinking Creek or just Big Sinking sounds so much more like a real climbing area.

And the whole area is ripe for recreational development. Climbing, mountain biking, whitewater and more. If I were in a situation to propose I would propose it be called the Big Sinking Creek Recreational Area. It's really not a part of the RRG either, it just happens to be within the same ranger district. The only thing is, I'd like to outlaw the ORVs. But since that would never happen I guess we can let them keep coming.

Remeber: Big Sinking Creek-not southern region.
Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Jan 24, 2003 9:16 pm

Post by Gothmog »

Oh yeah, I can drive my '86 Honda Accord right up to Oil Crack. What's your excuse?
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