So, who voted?

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Of those who said they would vote in the "I hate politicians" poll, who actually voted in the election??

I did
I did not
Total votes: 59

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So, who voted?

Post by Huggybone »

So, who voted?
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Post by gunslnga »

I voted my heart, the democratic process worked, let's see what happens next.
I saw the coolest thing, I saw an eighteen year old soldier, home from Iraq, vote for the very first time, I thanked him for his service, and shook his hand.
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Post by pigsteak »

It was a great day in the political process of America. If only the other 55% of Americans would stand up and let there voices be heard by voting. It takes 30 minutes to make monumental changes. This election was exactly like the one in 1994, where voters made their opinions known in a strong voice. We have much to be proud of as a country.
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Post by GWG »

It's like deja vu all over again. In 1994 when the Republicans took control, we heard all about the changes that were going to be made, the corruption that would be stopped, the benefits that would be reapped upon the American people. 12 years later, I heard the same thing last night. Could have just replayed the speeches from 1994 and replaced Democrate with Republican and vice versa.

In the end, I feel that the ultimate decisions made are fairly close to the middle of the road. Depending upon who is in power determines from which direction we are coming from, whether it be from the left or the right.

I'm interested in seeing what sort of changes actually do take place now that the Democrats are in control of the House and possibly the Senate. My gut feel is that it will be the same old same old.
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Post by Andrew »

I did!!
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Post by Andrew »

I did!!

I wrote in G. W. Bush for every write in possible.
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Post by Andrew »

Just kidding :wink:
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Post by kirker »

I had to leave some of the issues blank. Next election I'll take an attorney with me to interpret them.
I'm not sure what the average education level for todays voter is, but I had an easier time deciphering my morgage at the signing than knowing which way to vote on some of the issues.
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Post by ReachHigh »

I got to the polls 5 minutes before the closed. I would have never forgiven myself if I hadn't voted.
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Post by Crankmas »

I did, and that new old phrase about politics being a local issue thing applied to me, almost all local offices up for election. Live in the county in Clark Co. so I can't vote for the city offices, work in Lexington and pay their city taxes but I can't vote there- taxation without representation ie.. burn it all down.
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