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Post by charlie »

There was something terribly Sunshiney in the air this weekend. He's been in my thoughts this week so much more than usual.

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Post by gunslnga »

charlie wrote:There was something terribly Sunshiney in the air this weekend. He's been in my thoughts this week so much more than usual.

Charlie, you have unknowingly given me the reason.
It was this time last year I met Terry and spent those few preciuos, fleeting moments with him, an aniversary of sorts, funny how your mind puts this stuff together on a time line your not even aware exists...

Paul, I posted for the same rason you did, just felt better letting it out...
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Post by Artsay »

charlie wrote:There was something terribly Sunshiney in the air this weekend. He's been in my thoughts this week so much more than usual.

Weird...me too.
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
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Post by moonbeam »

I had a dream with him in it last night. Maybe 'cause I drove over the bridge on Saturday.
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Post by Wes »

In my thoughts as well. Driving back from Boone with Blake Sunday, reggae covers of floyd on the ipod...

I keep trying to do a version of "Goodbye" by DMX for Terry (and John, Alex, Te, Drifter, Tucker, Maizy, and all the others that have moved on), but I can't seem to finish it. Maybe this week...
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Post by dmw »

said hey to him at Sky Bridge this weekend......
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Post by Paul3eb »


..alone in kyoto..
and great loves will one day have to part -smashing pumpkins
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Post by ATLdude »

we miss you Terry
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Post by merrick »

he was definately in the gorge on sat...it felt just like one of the last times I climbed with him...

man I miss that guy
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Post by rockman »

Carmichael you asshole......I wish that things were better when we said goodbye today...But we had our share of good time along the way......Goddamnit Carmichael your dead now and i'm talking to the wall.
"My Shit is Fucked Up." --Warren Zevon and Terry Kindred.
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