What's your VO2 max? Calc. your real respiratory condition.

Quit whining. Drink bourbon. Climb more.
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Post by moonbeam »

OB Juan wrote: What do you wanna stroke Moonbeam and yourself while you crab about the distance being more or less. Well save yourself I didn't fucking measure with a tape. I was told it was about that distance and that was good enough for me at the time I just wanted to get to the base of the pitches.
Stroke Me, Stroke Me....
When you wish to make a point about fitness in a thread on fitness by someone who is a fitness master, then don't overstate the situation by twice the amount. The 8.5 mile approach is more like 4 miles. That's no small error, but whatever. Maybe your source quoted you round trip distance you misundestood. But, I can't really fathom doing something like that without knowing the distance to be covered, approximate time, etc. if for no other reason than to know how long it would take to get out of there if need be.

OB Juan wrote: More over I've done the east face of Whitney, the longest 1 day multipitch climb I've ever done (2300ft) twelve pitches with one real break on a ledge after pitch 6. The climb took 12.5 hours at a 5.9-5.10 rating, after hauling 60lbs. of gear 8.5 miles and up 5000 feet in elevation. If you don't think aerobic respiration was a factor think again. I've also climbed in Yosemite. I in fact climbed the falls two days after summiting Whitney and the same day, after kayaking the Merced river through the valley.
Last edited by moonbeam on Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rhunt »

Stroke Me, Stroke Me....

"Climbing is the spice, not the meal." ~ Lurkist
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Post by Crankmas »

earning my red wings spitting a butt seed gotta love that eurotrash I think her name was vulva she lived on the second floor wore my deere hat put my cat out and hardly ever swore
OB Juan
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Post by OB Juan »

[quote="moonbeam "]
Stroke Me, Stroke Me....
When you wish to make a point about fitness in a thread on fitness by someone who is a fitness master, then don't overstate the situation by twice the amount. The 8.5 mile approach is more like 4 miles. That's no small error, but whatever. Maybe your source quoted you round trip distance you misundestood. But, I can't really fathom doing something like that without knowing the distance to be covered, approximate time, etc. if for no other reason than to know how long it would take to get out of there if need be.[quote]

I realize you looked at a map and thought hell that ain't 8.5 miles it's more like four. I also realize your not really interested in a conversation You stupid fucks haven't been interested in a conversation since the first day I ever posted anything. You've only been interested in jacking yourselves and your friend off. That's ok, Your not of importance to me so I could care less. Know this, I've had more fun fucking with you all and laughing at your expense than you'll ever know. Your all so fucking simple and predictable it's gotten to be just palin boring. Later!
Obcessed is what lazy people call those of us who are dedicated!
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Post by Paul3eb »

OB Juan wrote:I realize you looked at a map and thought hell that ain't 8.5 miles it's more like four. I also realize your not really interested in a conversation You stupid fucks haven't been interested in a conversation since the first day I ever posted anything. You've only been interested in jacking yourselves and your friend off. That's ok, Your not of importance to me so I could care less. Know this, I've had more fun fucking with you all and laughing at your expense than you'll ever know. Your all so fucking simple and predictable it's gotten to be just palin boring. Later!
ha! ok..
and great loves will one day have to part -smashing pumpkins
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Post by moonbeam »

Map? No. I've done Whitney (the mountain). I'm surprised you didn't realize it wasn't 8.5 miles while you were hiking it. But, maybe everything that surrounds you seems bigger than it really is. Sorry about that.

I am happy to know that none of us are of importance to you. That was made clear as soon as anyone wanted real clarification of what you were stating or questioned your opinion. I still have some questions about the vo2 max thing, but either you don't have the answers or you just like acting out in public. It's almost like we needed couples counceling. I say one thing and you hear something totally different. But, I doubt I'll loose any sleep over it.

You could care less? Yeah. Then why do you keep writing?

The whole thing about you fucking with us and laughing at our expence more that we will ever know? We know. We hear it every now and then, knowing that we've had just as much fun. And, that's what is boring and predictable.

Later back at ya.

p.s. - In all seriousness, thanks for sparking an interest in timing a run. I haven't run with a watch in 17 years and I've found that I can still run at a 5:30 mile pace without much trouble.
Horatio Felacio
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Post by Horatio Felacio »

OB Juan wrote: the rest of you piggyback butt lappers just keep sucking each other off.
OB Juan wrote:What do you wanna stroke Moonbeam and yourself while you crab about the distance being more or less. Well save yourself I didn't fucking measure with a tape. I was told it was about that distance and that was good enough for me at the time I just wanted to get to the base of the pitches.
OB Juan wrote:You've only been interested in jacking yourselves and your friend off.
you've definitely got some issues with jacking other guys off ob. did you jack your partner off on the hike up to mt whitney? what about during your 1.5 mile runs? what about inside that "10d" offwidth? what about right now? would you like to jack all of us off?
Yo HO!! Just got me a code red and some funyons big dawg!!! SHIT YEAH! - Ray, excited about his breakfast
the lurkist
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Post by the lurkist »

Every once in awhile a guy like OB comes around and livens the place up. I would like to say thanks to him for his contribution. He has given us fodder for discussion and shown us how truely narcissistic, defensive, and deluded with self grandiosity an individual can be. I have to say that I have rarely seen a person with such robust ego defense mechanisms. Could we please have a round of applause for Mr. OB Schlong as he exits the stage?
"It really is all good ! My thinking only occasionally calls it differently..."
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Post by kneebar »

Wow...............I'll never get that 10 minutes of life back.......... :roll:
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