broken collar bone recovery

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broken collar bone recovery

Post by Guest »

Have any of you ever broken your collar bone? How long am I going to be out this time?
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Post by Yasmeen »

WHAT!?!? Lynne! Jeez woman! That sucks... I have no idea but I hope you get completely better really soon!
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Post by overhung »

What happened?
I've had just about enough of this shit.
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Post by Steve »

Hopefully not as long as my wrist is keeping me down. Details please, you can't just tell us that you're injured without telling us how!
I see they are still lopping off mountains in Eastern Kentucky. Electricity isn't cheap.
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Post by ralst4 »

Hey Lynne:

I am sorry to hear about your collar bone :( . What happened?
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Post by Artsay »

Damnit Lynne!

Post by Guest »

I am a victim

of my own stupidity.

That's all I'm sayin'.

Anyone else ever break one of these things??
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Post by Legion »

I haven't ever broken mine but several of my friends have. It will hurt alot but it will heal. Its better than a dislocation, I know that much.
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Post by MiaRock »

my dad has broken his numerous times and although it is painful you should heal fine. you have to be careful when getting off the couch :lol:

excellent point are correct. ~ Pigsteak
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Post by dipsi »

WOMAN! Say it ain't so! I've been doing my damn 420 abercises, and you get all hurted! I'm soooooooo sorry. Drink some beer! :P
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