I think there should be a challenge for hardmen and women to climb with a jockey strapped to their back. Bet's could be placed to who can climb AWOL with a lawn jockey dangling from their rear haul loop!
I like the idea of a slackline accross the pond... carnival type climbing games... pay so much to dyno on the wall, depending on which hold you grab, you get a different prize. Charge $2 per dino, some prizes are little bags of chalk, some get a locking carabiner, some are a free smootie-o, etc...
How about a "Shaggy" climbing clinic? BYOB (Bring Your Own Brush) of course.
How about a How To Eradicate PETS and Proper Rock Shelter Fire Building and Camping workshop.
Ummm, the Dunking booth was fun. We need more celebrity dunkees. I could sell "JB is a lame asshole" t-shirts. I'd volunteer to provide some music again, though some diversity is a good thing... I'm getting tired of Cindy, though she's a constant volunteer and that's a great thing.
Debauchery brings in bucks and strip-boudering sounds appealing. Climbing Gladiators events sound fun too... First you have to drive through a road-block with your car loaded with pot, do an approach with all your gear and avoid getting knocked off the trail by Smokey the Bear, then you have to climb a route onsite while Terry feeds you bad beta.
- Posts: 229
- Joined: Wed Sep 25, 2002 2:25 am
Since Derby Fest is coming up, I wish to re-establish the nomination of SCIN to the CAC. We all need to get the vote out.
We need to be thinking of other candidates. Since this is a two year post we need to be sure we have the representation that we want.
We need to be thinking of other candidates. Since this is a two year post we need to be sure we have the representation that we want.
Seriously, I don't recall any mention of the fact that these positions are up for a vote this spring. Why keep that quite? I'm sure there are some talented people who have some spare time and might want to serve. I would, but I am already swamped and frequently exhausted from what I do now. Six months down the road I think that will be a lot different, but right now its not possible.
Why no mention of it on our RRGCC site? Rocktoberfest was promoted.
Or have I missed something?
Why no mention of it on our RRGCC site? Rocktoberfest was promoted.
Or have I missed something?
Last edited by Kwas on Thu Apr 10, 2003 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.