Search found 5 matches

by rushthezeppelin
Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:43 pm
Forum: Hooking Up
Topic: LF a catch June 10, 11 or 12
Replies: 18
Views: 6696

Re: LF a catch June 10, 11 or 12

Anyone up at miguels right now?... Dustonian I dont think my pm sent its stuick In outbox.... If you guy in a blue hat up front and needa catch in the next 30 or so come say hi to me or call me 512-435-7201... In freaking lost as hell, tried to find the zoo but copying find the trail.....
by rushthezeppelin
Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:20 pm
Forum: Hooking Up
Topic: LF a catch June 10, 11 or 12
Replies: 18
Views: 6696

Re: LF a catch June 10, 11 or 12

Hey man, I lived in Texas for a couple years and now I am living at the red. I climbed around Austin pretty frequently. Most of the routes I climbed were extremely short and felt more like a couple of stacked boulder problems. I don't think the routes are sandbagged at all...especially at Reimers R...
by rushthezeppelin
Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:02 pm
Forum: Hooking Up
Topic: LF a catch June 10, 11 or 12
Replies: 18
Views: 6696

Re: LF a catch June 10, 11 or 12

dustonian wrote:Crompy only projects dirty 5.16 slabs so you guys coulld probably work something out... put him on a limestone roof and he barely projects 5.12.

Good to know everyone in your neck of the woods is so stuck up :-)
by rushthezeppelin
Sun Jun 09, 2013 5:34 am
Forum: Hooking Up
Topic: LF a catch June 10, 11 or 12
Replies: 18
Views: 6696

Re: LF a catch June 10, 11 or 12

Not trying to brag or anything just trying to find somebody who can do the same routes. And when I say project up to 13s I'm talking about being able to get about a quarter of the way down a pure pump fest 60' 13 roof route (look up Pay at the Pump at Reimers Ranch), not a 65* techy crimpy route (al...
by rushthezeppelin
Sun Jun 09, 2013 2:10 am
Forum: Hooking Up
Topic: LF a catch June 10, 11 or 12
Replies: 18
Views: 6696

LF a catch June 10, 11 or 12

My home rock is Austin Texas limestone. I'm on family vacation in the gorge this week and was hoping to find a catch foot my first time on sandstone. Generally I red point 5.10-5.11 and project up to 5.13 roof routes. Have 10 draws and a 60m 9.8mm rope.