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Signs of Spring Break

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:21 am
by sendit
Went out to Left Flank yesterday and I could sure as hell tell it had just been a spring break week. Here's a list of all the crap i hauled out with me starting at too many puppies and as traversed left to the table wall: I found a used hand warmer pack, harness bag, balls of used tape on the ground, a wal mart shopping bag, a thermal long sleeve shirt, busted pair of flip flops (on top of the boulder underneath Dinosaur) and numerous wrappers from bags of trail mix/snacks. I mean what the FUCK is wrong with people. It wasn't like it was a single party, it was spread out through the whole cliff line (unless it was one dipshit party that just kept leaving stuff behind which I guess is possible)

Anyways, it left me feeling bummed on an otherwise perfect day of climbing.
I don't understand how to change this type of behavior other than catching the bastards in the act and ripping it to them.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:30 am
by DriskellHR
thanks for packing that shit out man. I was at left flank sun early and it was not like that. It's a shame that people are not responsable enough to "police" their own trash.

It's a standard in my pack.... TRASH BAGS. everyone should have one and everyone should use them if the see the need.

thanks again. I hope some of the crap left behind was worth keeping.....

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:38 am
by Josephine
last spring when they had the trash collecting contest they said that you could go to any crag and pack out trash and enter it. we went to left flank. i looked and looked and looked and couldn't find anything more than a few cig butts and bits of tape - all of which were way off the trail. none of which could have possibly taken the prize for most original trash find (which i think went to the boy scouts who found a VCR w/a beer can stuck in it)

sad to see that it's not as clean as it was. but good to know you took the time to make things right.

carrying a trash bag with you is always a good idea. on the way back from wall of denial having one came in handy to pack out all the left behinds.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:40 am
by anticlmber
that stuff isn't all/any from spring breakers. its like that alot of the times. check out lots of the more popular cliffs and you'll see.
motherlode - probably the nastiest of the bunch and it's "gumby free there"
most places really.

people are jack-asses, way it goes. don't let it ruin your day and thank you for being part of the trash squad.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:48 am
by krampus
Really, it was not bad early sunday, but we did leave because it turned into a zoo there. I am surprised about the stuff under dinosaur and the 12 wall, but assholes are everywhere. Damn flatlanders coming to our crags. I guess sometimes the strong climbers with big egos think they are above being respectful.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:58 am
Did you find a Nalgene full of pink liquid (Cytomax)?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:49 am
by sendit
No nalgene, sorry SCIN. I was a bit surprised by the amount myself, I have never seen that much stuff spread out through an entire cliff line.
The only thing worth keeping was the long sleeve thermal but it was in the dirt and pretty funky and not my size. I'm sure one of buddies will take it though.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:05 pm
by pigsteak
lode climbers are exempt..please retract any mischaracterization of this elite group. the trash is surely left by gumbies looking for some awe inspiring sends from their heros.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:11 pm
by Jay
I once saw a group of three people pull out an engine head during a trash cleanup at a Horsetooth Hang about 5 years back. They won the crashpad for the most trash recovered for sure!

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:33 pm
by ReachHigh
next trash contest I'm dragging the truck out of the load.