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Postponing the "real world"

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:35 pm
by Boonda
So before I enter the real world, and start a full time job in August I'm looking to move out to Miguel's and pretty much live there after graduation for a couple months. All I want to do is climb, eat, drink, sleep and climb some more.

I'm really excited about it, but I have to say, I am new to climbing (just this past september) and I'm looking for any type of advice when it comes to moving out there.

I need a tent, but don't have hundreds to spend on one. Any advice for a sufficient tent brand I should look into. I found a pretty affordable coleman, but don't want to end up sleeping in a puddle.

I've been to Miguel's many times and always have a fantastic time chatting and partying with the people there, but I'm always with a set group to climb with. My plan this summer is to just move there, and hope that I can tag along with random people, and learn as much as I can about climbing. Any advice about tagging along?

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:42 pm
by Meadows
I have this tent and after I sealed it, it has withstood some good storms: ... 4914955454

Also, keep watching - they put great tents up for unbeatable prices.

I also recommend getting an air mattress (30 bucks at WalMart) plus a car or battery operated air pump. A twin size will fit perfectly in that tent with room to spare.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:04 pm
by anticlmber
tent, tarp, air mattress. figure out the rest as you go.

don't be sketchy, DO NOT be a thief, don't bring unneeded attention to yourself, don't bring a dog(if you do PICK UP it's POOP), don't cause any trouble, don't touch the goats(feed them banana peels) don't screw the man with land.

do just go with the days, do be nice and provide a warm and welcome atmosphere that miguel and the fam have tried to maintain, do pick up after yourself, do respect the rules(bending is allowed at times) do make sure that others are doing their part to show respect; if you think that lighting the building on fire could be bad, say something. do be prepared to be unprepared. and get used to the southern-alpine start.

keep your nose clean, enjoy the rain, be safe, call your mom, be smart, and you should have a good time.

and beer. beer is good.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:16 pm
by charlie
Clean up at Miguel's all of the days and all of the nights. Everyone else thinks the staff clears their empty bottles from the tables and that sucks.

Clean up after yourself and the other assholes from out of town, constantly. A clean campground/porch is the very least visitors should do for Miguel.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:21 pm
by ynot
I'm wondering who tried to do the goats?

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:27 pm
by pigsteak
pay your $3 a night camping. this is not one of the rules to bend.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:41 pm
by Wes
Buy a super cheap walmart tent and put a tarp on the ground and overtop. Be read to replace it once a month or so, as it will get moldy. Same with sleeping bags, towels, etc. Once something get wet in the red in the summer, it might not dry til fall.

Just because you live at Miguel's doesn't mean you will actually climb all that much. Noon starts are common, as are short days while people work around their work schedule. Try to find a couple people early on that match up with your desire to climb, regardless of grades, as you will get more time on the rock that way.

As cool as it is down there, there are still issues with theft and less good stuff going on, so don't leave valuables out and about.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:47 pm
by tutugirl
Get some insect repellent...very needed during the summer months :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:50 pm
by usmcmars
I like the call your mom advice. That is very good advice! Yes, don't forget to call home.

Good luck in your climbing adventure and have fun!


Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:18 pm
by the lurkist
Better yet, don't succumb to the Peter Pan syndrome and move into Miguel's. You live in Lexington, right? You can only climb 3 days a week (with any intensity). What do you do the rest of time? Hang out at Miguel's. Yawn....
All climbing and no substance makes you a dull person.