I know that the Petzl Calidris has a very wide back section and a lot of people like it, though they can be a bit on the expensive side. As far as shoes go, I like the La Sportiva Cobras and the Five Ten V10's. I have heard good things about the Red Chili Voodoos too. The best shoe is the one that fits your foot though.
Hey Gretchen, how is the rubber on the Red Chilis? I have never even seen a pair.
...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
I vote Misty Mtn Cadillac as well. That'll be my next harness.
The Red Chilis use Vibram 4mm. Very sticky. Neither Gretchen or I have Chilis, but they will definitely be the next shoe we buy!
Sik, Greg Houston from Lex. is the area Rep. He was here in Cincy this week & I tried them out. I really liked them! Plus Greg loves how they perform at the Red on the steep sh*t! So it is definitely worth the try.
Greg will be doing shoes demos at Rocktoberfest, so try them out!!!