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Red River in December

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:04 am
by parula
I'm heading back east this December and am hoping to get some friends together to climb at the RRG for a few days. I've never climbed at the red in the winter months and am seeking some tips. I'm assuming Miguel's will be closed for the season, does this mean closed for camping also? If so, any other recommendations for camping on the cheap?

Also, is access to Muir Valley open year round or is it seasonal too?

What should I expect as far as weather? Cold of course, but how likely is rain or snow? Thanks for the help.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:55 am
by anticlmber
camping is still allowed at the mig's. you just slide the money under the door to pay. there is no water or shitter after thanksgiving, you gotta do that stuff at the rest area. depending on how many friends you have look into splitting a cabin/room.

weather............there is no USUAL weather in this state and especially down there. could be cold as hell, could be sixties, might snow/rain, might be beach weather, or you could be beaten and sodomized by locals who have nothing to do over the chilly months. either way it should be fun.

pack for the cold but keep a bathing suit handy.

Re: Red River in December

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:38 pm
by Liz_Weber
parula wrote:Also, is access to Muir Valley open year round or is it seasonal too?
Yes, Muir is open to climbers all year. Last winter (unusually mild) we had climbers and hikers every week.

Winter climbers usually prefer the south-facing cliffs such as Bruise Brothers Wall and the Solarium, where the rock stays warmer. See Ray Ellington's guidebook or the on-line guide here for specific climbs and more details.

Liz Weber

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:44 pm
by TankAzz
also, lago linda's is open year-round, near the southern region. she charges 5.00 per night, and you get bathrooms and showers with hot water (and heaters!). she also has wireless internet, and is really cool about opening up her cafe/kitchen building sometimes for cold campers :)

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:36 pm
by parula
Thanks for all the quick responses! Lago Linda's sounds good, might give that a try. Can't wait to get back to the Red, I just hope the weather holds out.