Clog cams

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Clog cams

Post by itsclimbtime »

Anybody ever had any experience with clog cams I had a buddy who says he seen them on the net but I have never heard of them and cant seem to find much on them can anybody tell me who they are made buy if not clog and if they r any good.
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Post by Bruisebrother »

I've had 4 of them since around 89'/90'. They were cheap but have held up well. They've held many falls. The only fault I've found is that a fall bending the stem over an edge or trying to twist the cam out of it's placement can give the stem quite a kink. Newer cams maybe beefed up some and have eliminated this problem.
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Post by RRO »

i have quite a few on my rack and have taken many falls and set up many anchors with them. i guess i bought mine within the last 5-6 years and have not had any problems with them. good cheap cam to double and triple sizes with.

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Post by overhung »

I think they're made by Wild Country. I had a couple, worked fine.
I've had just about enough of this shit.
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