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Goals (just checkin in)

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:30 pm
by 512OW
Just curious how peoples "preseason" goals have fared. Most (if not all) of us set some sort of goal. Whether its general like "get outside more" or "lead more", or more specific like "redpoint my first 13a" or "do 50 12's", its still a goal.

Hows it going?

My goals were reached much faster than I thought, so new ones have formed. This is my first year concentrating on sport climbing, after a multi-year break, and I wanted to get solid on easy 12's and do up to 12c. Now I'm shooting higher. Here are the new ones...

I'd like to learn to project something. I have a tough time going back to something when there is so much more to climb...

Gain more power endurance.

Do 12d this fall, and finish up the remaining trad 12's I haven't done.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:09 am
by Horatio Felacio
sweet! you're gonna love snot rocket man!

by not setting any goals and having no hope in my life, i have successfully not failed at anything. this is why i often take instead of going for it and taking a chance at falling.

i think the project excuse of "not wanting to try the same route" is bullshit...not just you 512, but anyone who says that. why you ask? i've used that excuse before...sometimes it's because i'm just not to excited to ever get on a particular route again, or it's because i don't want to spend a bunch of time on something and fail.

so i suggest that we all stop being such faggots and fuck the bullshit. that's my new goal starting right now.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:21 am
by 512OW
Snot Rocket is definitely on the list. Its my favorite style of climbing.... weirdness.

I don't think its a bullshit excuse... I just really get antsy when I spend more than a few tries on any one route. I just put it back into the queue and get back on it when I'm stronger. I'm gonna "fuck the bullshit" though and project some things this fall. I'm positive that Snot Rocket will be in that category...

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:25 am
by mcrib
ho stole my goals.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:28 am
by 512OW
Ho, it'll be nearly impossible for you to stop being a faggot.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:23 am
by Josephine
my goals are much less exciting than your examples

original pre-season goals:
lead a 10
do 1 pull up
learn how to climb trad
climb outside EVERY weekend

led a 10 in june - it may have been the easiest 10 in the valley - but it still counts!
did 1 pull up - injured my neck in the process (only me!)
did 1 trad lead in june
climbing outside every weekend.

new goals
lead Girls Gone Wild...WOO! by Sept 30. preferably w/o saying "take" - extra points if i actually finish the route but no promises on that!
do 1 pull up WITHOUT hurting myself in the process
take a trad class and figure out how to use my feet better when climbing cracks
figure out how to pull over a roof in a somewhat effective manner
learn how to fall without hurting myself!

i figure that should keep me busy for a long while! :D

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:45 am
Horatio Felacio wrote: i think the project excuse of "not wanting to try the same route" is bullshit...not just you 512, but anyone who says that. why you ask? i've used that excuse before...sometimes it's because i'm just not to excited to ever get on a particular route again, or it's because i don't want to spend a bunch of time on something and fail.
I'm confused by this. What do you mean?

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:17 am
by Andrew
A wise man once said, "Trying is the first step towards failure."

I don't try, I just send.

Actually I accomplished my goals for the summer, I have none for fall because I don't think I will get out much.

My theory is what ever I sent this summer I can climb two letter grades harder in the fall, so I am just going to tick every route that is two letter grades harder than my hardest 90 degree day send.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:40 am
by ynot
I started a business so I'm not climbing at all. My goal.. go to Seneca for a week when it's nice. I just want to climb something taller than a ladder.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:30 am
by charlie
Off season, I'm never jazzed to climb in the summer.

That said, Scobro and I finished the first week of Phase 2 in the Workout From Hell and we've been supplementing every session w/ abs and legs. ... _hell.html

My tips feel like a baby's butt though.