Al Quaeda in Iraq and Cognitive Dissonance

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Alan Evil
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Al Quaeda in Iraq and Cognitive Dissonance

Post by Alan Evil »

I just don't even know where to begin with this one.

This is the first time that I can remember most media outlets jumping on the...

what's the word for what this administration does that most administrations would call PUBLIC RELATIONS?...
oh yeah...

bullshit coming out of the Whitehouse. But can they keep it up? Can they continue to broadcast the fact that the people they rely on for information are feeding them senseless crap? Won't people begin to realize that the Whitehouse will say whatever it wants us to believe, regardless of it's veracity, over and over and over again?

"It's my job to repeat things until they become true." --GWB

So I hear this thing on NPR about Cognitive Dissonance. The first question asked was pretty much "Can this explain why over half of Republicans still believe the President is doing a good job?" And the answer was an emphatic yes. ... 72007.html

We fight to reduce cognitive dissonance and the main way we do so is by denying that we are wrong. Unfortunately it is very difficult to change peoples' minds'. (That's prounounced "Mindses")
[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie

"Not all conservatives are stupid, but most stupid people are conservative." - John Stuart Mill[/size]
L K Day
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Post by L K Day »

You got your first line absolutely right.
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Post by pigsteak »

larry, will you never learn?..ignore him and he'll slink away in a ball of go to sleep big buddy...go to sleep....
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by Shamis »

There are no facts anymore. Only beliefs.
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Post by Crankmas »

and that belief is gone as is this one as in you never place your hand in the same river and that includes first responders to the Viper Room
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Post by krampus »

Crankmas wrote:I want some more crack
How you compare may not be as important as to whom you are compared
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Post by krampus »

Cognitive dissonance mixed with a little group thought is a recipe for disaster
How you compare may not be as important as to whom you are compared
Alan Evil
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Post by Alan Evil »

Here's a little factoid that goes towards my overly vague point:

| Approve Disapprove Unsure

| ALL adults 30 62 8
| Republicans 63 30 7
| Democrats 9 89 2
| Independents 26 61 13

Repbulicans are unable to admit that they've been making mistakes so each illogical leap of faith they make blocks their ability to admit those mistakes. There is a disconnect between the Republican faithful and the rest of the country that is nothing short of shocking.

The conservative government has failed utterly in all the things it claimed it would do: restrict spending, balance budgets, shrink the government, reduce bureaucracy, protect the homeland, improve infrastructure. Both sides would agree on these principles though definitely not how the goals should be achieved. Nonetheless this is common ground between the two parties and the Republicans have failed miserably in all aspects when they had the power to forcefully move ahead with all these core beliefs. What happened was, they played fiddle, spent like drunk sailors on a weekend leave, and some other apt metaphor for bungled government and blatant robbery.

You could probably get a Republican to agree that the Republican controlled government drove us deep into debt. You might be able to get a few more concessions but ultimately all the other little excuses and leaps of faith that have built up combined with issues like anti-abortion, gay marriage, legalized segregation, church in state, and the like the Republican faithful can reinforce their belief system enough to declare they're doing a good job.

On the flip side of this is our Congress and none of us like the job they're doing. I think I'm on the record as calling the Democratic party a bunch of cowards and I stand by that.
[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie

"Not all conservatives are stupid, but most stupid people are conservative." - John Stuart Mill[/size]
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