Rankings for the spray lords
Rankings for the spray lords
hey programming nerds....instead of just showing us how many points someone has, can we see a list ranking people by how many routes they have done at the Red? I am just curious who on here has done the most routes, and that number..guessing it will be around 600 or so...
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
They're listed by number of lines done on this page.
http://www.redriverclimbing.com/RRCGuid ... _fails.php
http://www.redriverclimbing.com/RRCGuid ... _fails.php
Yo Ray jack dynomite! Listen to my beat box! Bew ch ch pff BEW ch ch pfff! Sweet!
lol..thanks Sax..I knew you'd come thru...
so mr smarty pants, get me the list I am looking for..I want the list of the top ten people ranked by number of routes sent...this list may or may not be the list of the top ten with the most points.
my understanding was routes rated under 5.8 did not generate points on the ranking scale. so if trad daddy goes out and climbs 300 trad lines under 5.6, he would still have zero spray points, right? but he may be ranked number one in the number of routes that have been sent.
so mr smarty pants, get me the list I am looking for..I want the list of the top ten people ranked by number of routes sent...this list may or may not be the list of the top ten with the most points.
my understanding was routes rated under 5.8 did not generate points on the ranking scale. so if trad daddy goes out and climbs 300 trad lines under 5.6, he would still have zero spray points, right? but he may be ranked number one in the number of routes that have been sent.
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
example: SCIN has 21, 967 points but 657 routes sent...average score is 33.43 per route
power2u has 21,430 points and 502 routes sent for an average score of 42.68
power2ubaby is clearly the superior climber and human being.
the number rankings only support sport wienies, and don't allow the old crusty who can barely wipe his butt a chance at the trophy....if larry day (no relation to the old crusty butt aforementioned) has 900 routes sent at the gorge, he will need to be compensated. period.
power2u has 21,430 points and 502 routes sent for an average score of 42.68
power2ubaby is clearly the superior climber and human being.
the number rankings only support sport wienies, and don't allow the old crusty who can barely wipe his butt a chance at the trophy....if larry day (no relation to the old crusty butt aforementioned) has 900 routes sent at the gorge, he will need to be compensated. period.
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
Only because you asked ever so nicely...
http://www.redriverclimbing.com/RRCGuid ... eslist.php
http://www.redriverclimbing.com/RRCGuid ... eslist.php
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